Photo Editing 101: A Guide to Mastering the Basics


No one starts out as a master photo editor. No, not even that one photographer whose work you admire and whose Instagram you check every five minutes.

Instead, they were all once beginners like you. They took the time and invested hard work into learning the photo editing basics so that they could have a fundamental understanding of how to make their pictures go from good to great.

Photo Editing 101: A Guide to Mastering the Basics

In this article, we’ll impart some basic photo editing advice to you.

Leverage the Right Software

The first thing to know with photo editing is that you’re going to need the right software in order to make your work really pop. The digital world that we live in has made photo editing tools accessible to virtually everyone!

There are lots of premium options on the market, but if you don’t yet have the budget for those then rest assured that the free tools can certainly get the job done. For instance, Adobe’s suite of photo editing functionality has certain free tools that allow you to do things like Crop Your Images for Free. There are also photo editing platforms online that you can use like the Pixelied where you can edit images and even add emojis to your photos for free.

When you decide on a specific software tool to use, keep in mind that these software options will usually come with some kind of manual. Take time to read that manual to identify all of the different functions and how they work. Then, you can start playing around with each function and familiarize yourself with the basics. You can also use a great photo editing tool

Use the Rule of Thirds

One of the most well-known photo editing tips is that you should leverage the rule of thirds to make your picture look proportionate. To apply the rule of thirds, use a nine-rectangle grid laid over your photo to visualize it.

The nine-rectangle grid should be created by two equidistant horizontal lines and two equidistant vertical lines. Then, crop and resize your image as necessary so that the subjects in the image fit neatly into those ninths that are created by the grid.

This rule will help your images look proportionate.

Think About Layers

Most basic photo editing software options will have the capacity to split your picture up into layers. Think of layering as color separations. It leverages the four basic colors: cyan, magenta, yellow, and black.

You can also cut specific parts of your picture out as a layer. This layer can then be overlaid on other images with flat backgrounds, allowing you to create multi-dimensional pictures from a variety of different photographs.

Photo Editing Basics You Should Know

There’s no doubt that photo editing is no easy skill to develop. On the contrary, become a master editor requires a lot of time and experience. But the first step in your journey to achieving master status is to learn photo editing basics like the ones we just discussed.

For more art-related advice, you’re in the right place! Be sure to take some time to check out the rest of the articles available to read on the website before you leave!


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