The benefits of Having a Web App Firewall


A web app firewall (WAF) is a firewall that is specifically designed to protect computer programs that run on the web.

Web app firewalls are usually installed in front of websites to prevent unauthorized users from accessing the sites. A WAF is a type of reverse proxy. It detects and blocks malicious attacks which target specific pages or servers on a website or network.

The benefits of Having a Web App Firewall

If your website or application is running on the internet, it needs to be protected against malicious attacks like SQL injections, Cross Site Scripting, XSS, etc.

With an enterprise-grade web app firewall, you can protect your applications from such attacks and ensure that they’re up 24/7 without breaking your budget.

Why do you need a web app firewall?

In the mid 1990s, before the internet was really a thing, there were only so many ways that hackers could penetrate web applications. Today, however, malicious hackers have become more advanced and have found new ways to break through web app firewalls.

Web app firewalls are not necessarily just for security purposes but can also help prevent data loss and increase site speed.

Security is one of the most important aspects of any app or website today. With a lot of companies focused on building apps that will enable users to do their work more efficiently than in the past, it is vital that they make sure they keep information secure at all times.

There are more reasons why you need a web app firewall. These include:

  • Preventing hackers from accessing your data
  • Protecting your site from bots and automated spam attack
  • You never know which website might contain malware or phishing content

What is the difference between a web app firewall and a normal firewall?

A web app firewall is a system meant to protect an app by separating the data in the application from the web server as well as from other applications. A firewall will usually be placed in between two different parts of a system or network, and it will block or allow traffic based on certain rules.

A normal firewall will be used to protect an entire system or network against malicious attacks, spamming, viruses, and other internet-borne threats. In this case, you would need to place your firewall outside of your software development environment so that it does not affect any processes within your software development environment.

Websites are typically protected with a web app firewall which separates the data in the application from the web server as well as from other applications.

How do I install a web application firewall?

There are three steps that you need to take in to install a WAF:

  1. Install the software on every machine in your server room
  2. Configure it with a given list of blocked URLs or domains
  3. Apply security patches on a regular basis


The big benefits of having a web application firewall are:

1) Security – it prevents unauthorized and harmful requests from reaching the server, such as SQL injections.
2) Efficiency – it helps prevent performance degradation due to resource use and traffic load.
3) Scaling – it helps maintain an efficient system even when the number of clients increases significantly.

Web application firewalls are software that stops hackers from infiltrating your website and stealing user information.

A Web Application Firewall is important for any business that wants to avoid a breach of security and losing its reputation. From preventing phishing attacks to malware and malicious code, these software services can protect against online threats in many ways.

There are many ways that a Web Application Firewall can help protect your business without the need for further hardware or software purchases. A good firewall will help prevent DDoS attacks, protect your users when they make transactions online, reduce the risk of spam email, and more.


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