How to Keep Your Items Safe and Secure While Shipping


Shipping any type of product can be tough. Figuring out options for the safe and secure shipment of fragile items is even harder, but it’s a challenge that every business owner should take seriously. After all, damaged or broken products will lead not just to lost money but also to very unhappy customers.

How to Keep Your Items Safe and Secure While Shipping

Don’t just accept those losses as part of a business model. Read on to find out how to keep items safe and secure, even if they’re fragile or traveling to a far-off destination via multiple forms of transportation.

Choose the Right Materials

Many companies still use regular cardboard boxes to ship goods, but that’s often a mistake even if they’re not planning to use them for fragile items. Cardboard is not a durable material. It can rip, become dented in, or sustain water damage, leading to broken items and unhappy customers.

Instead of relying on cardboard boxes, try corrugated plastic or another more heavy-duty material. Business owners can visit to find an affordable source of heavy-duty shipping boxes. They’ll just need to make sure the boxes are sized correctly to fit the goods being shipped.

Use Enough Protective Materials

Even the best-quality shipping boxes won’t protect fragile items from damage if they’re not secured well within the box. Retailers should always use plenty of wrapping material to offer sufficient protection. Bubble wrap is always a good option, but make sure to cover every surface and section and secure the protective packing material well by taping it in place.

For unusually shaped items or multiple goods shipped together in large boxes, additional protective materials may be required. It’s still best to wrap each item in bubble wrap, but don’t stop there. Fill the rest of the empty space with packing peanuts or another filler material. Just be sure not to pack boxes containing fragile items too full, as the extra pressure can also cause breakage.

Pack Items Individually

Fragile items should always be packaged individually. Putting multiple items in the same box can lead to damage if they bang against each other during shipping, even if all of them are adequately wrapped and there are packing peanuts in the box. It’s always better to err on the side of caution and pack extremely sensitive goods individually, even if it means spending more on shipping.

There is an exception to the rule. Collections of wine bottles and other small but fragile items that all have the same shape can usually be shipped safely and securely if they’re packaged using corrugated inserts or specialized packaging. These inserts are designed to strengthen packages and keep bottles apart so that they don’t break while in transit.

Label the Package

In a perfect world, shipping partners would treat every package with the care that it deserves. Unfortunately, that’s rarely the case and it’s common to see items without warning labels getting tossed around in trucks or elsewhere in the delivery chain. Make sure the package is labeled as fragile, that there are labels on all sides, and that those labels are clearly visible.

Exercise Care to Avoid Broken Goods and Unhappy Customers

Business owners know that the customers are their most important assets. People hate receiving broken products in the mail and usually fault the seller, sometimes rightfully, for failing to package the goods appropriately. Follow the advice above to keep even fragile items safe and secure.


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