Skin Cancer Check Why to Use Sunscreen and How to Check Moles for Skin Cancer Signs


Many individuals are aware of the importance of using sunscreen, but the reasons for doing so have been distorted. Too many people believe that sunscreen is only used to prevent sunburns and that the fundamental reason for applying it – to guard against the sun’s harmful rays – has been forgotten their skin cancer check.

Skin Cancer Check Why to Use Sunscreen and How to Check Moles for Skin Cancer Signs

Sunscreen continues to play a vital role in protecting the skin from the dangerous UV rays that pervade our environment. Most skin malignancies are caused by these rays, with the UV Beta range being the leading offender, followed by the UV Alpha range. These two radiations have different effects on the skin, with UVA causing cells to age quickly, resulting in wrinkles. Alpha rays are also suspected to play a modest part in the development of skin cancer in humans, with Beta rays being the primary cause of most skin malignancies. For safety check your skin cancer with Sundoctors clinic.

Recognize the dangers that skin cancer poses

To comprehend the dangers that skin cancer poses to those who do not appropriately protect themselves, one must first comprehend what skin cancer causes to the body. Skin cancer is caused by DNA damage that is greater than the body’s ability to repair. When cells in the body are harmed in this way, they cluster and reproduce quickly, eventually producing a tumor in the affected area. Because skin cancer usually originates in the epidermal layer of the skin, this tumor will be easily visible and resemble a mole in appearance.

One of the three most prevalent types of skin cancer, melanoma, is significantly more fatal than the others

Melanoma accounts for about 4% of all skin cancer cases reported each year, with one person dying from the disease every hour in the United States alone. Although this figure is astonishing, melanoma is relatively easy to treat when detected early. A person can usually identify it if they examine their body for the tell-tale sign of skin cancer, a new or changing mole.

If a mole is detected and thought to be new, there are a few symptoms an individual can check for on the mole to identify whether it is cancerous. Recall the first five letters of the English alphabet to remember the five points to bear in mind when checking: ABCD

Asymmetry:- If one part of the mole does not appear to match the other, the mole should be removed.

Border:- If the mole’s margins are ragged or appear to be too irregular,

Color:- If the mole is multicolored or seems to be shaded brown, white, black, red, or tan, it should be removed.

Diameter:- If the mole is bigger than the eraser on a standard pencil,

If the mole appears to be evolving or rising beyond the surface of the skin, it is considered raised.


Even if you know how to examine moles and what to look for, any new mole on your body should be evaluated by a specialist to find out exactly what’s wrong with it. Melanoma is a dangerous, potentially fatal condition that can be avoided by performing regular body checks. Don’t put yourself in danger.


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