How Do Solar Batteries Work?


Did you know that the solar battery market in the US was valued at $16.9 million in 2020 and is estimated to reach $37.7 million in 2030? It shouldn’t be surprising considering that eco-friendly and renewable energy sources are becoming ever more popular. This is because Americans are increasingly eco-conscious and concerned about future generations.

How Do Solar Batteries Work

Are you thinking about getting some solar panels and a solar battery installed in your home or farm? Do you wonder how do solar batteries work exactly? Keep reading our article to learn more.

What is a Solar Battery?

If you have solar panels installed in your home or farm, then you probably know that there are some days where the sun isn’t strong enough. Or when it’s too cloudy, or it’s nighttime and your solar panels aren’t generating enough electricity to power your home. What do you do on those days?

The great thing about a solar battery bank is that it stores excess solar energy that isn’t used up by your home. This allows you to access this solar energy storage during power outages or when your solar panels aren’t working optimally.

It also gives you a way to store excess solar energy for your home’s needs rather than giving it all to the grid and having strangers use it.

How Do Solar Batteries Work?

Lithium-ion batteries are the most popular form of solar batteries on the market currently. They work through a chemical reaction that stores chemical energy before converting it to electrical energy. Here’s a brief step-by-step guide on how these solar batteries work:

  • Lithium ions release free electrons
  • These electrons flow from negatively-charged anode to the positively charged one (allowing people to use the electricity)
  • When electricity is drawn from the battery, ions flow to the positively-charged anode
  • At the same time, electrons flow from the negative electrode to the positive one powering the plugged-in device

Usually, lithium solar batteries combine several battery cells that function as a rechargeable battery that uses the power of the sun as the initial input. And that causes the flow of electricity in the battery.

There are also lead-acid batteries on the market. But battery manufacturers prefer lithium-ion batteries due to it’s more reliable lifespan and more compact size.

Home Solar Energy Needs Solar Batteries to Function Optimally

If you already have solar panels set up in your home, but you don’t have a solar battery, then you are missing a big piece of the renewable solar energy puzzle. With the right system design, you will be able to take advantage of all that solar energy that you had to let go to waste beforehand.

Now that you know how do solar batteries work, take full advantage of your solar panels and the solar energy they produce by storing solar energy in lithium-ion batteries.

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