Treadmill Weight Loss: 5 Fat Burning Strategies to Lose Weight


Unlike gaining weight, losing the same can be pretty challenging. For that, you have to be patient, dedicated, and keep working hard until you achieve your goal.

Yes, purchasing a home treadmill Singapore and running on it regularly will surely help. However, when it comes to burning your body fat, you shouldn’t focus on a single aspect only. It would be best if you keep several windows open in front of you.

Treadmill Weight Loss: 5 Fat Burning Strategies to Lose Weight

In this article, we have shared a few tips and elaborated on them extensively in this regard. Keep on reading to know more.

How to Lose Weight Quickly?

Losing weight isn’t all about exercising for an extended period of time. Aside from that, you will need to follow some healthy habits as well. Here’s what you need to know about it.

1. Don’t Skip Your Breakfast

Many people tend to think that eating less in the morning can help them lose weight quickly. Nonetheless, it’s wrong. Your breakfast should be the largest and most nutritious meal of the day. Otherwise, you will not get the energy to go through your work or proceedings.

Besides, eating a large amount of breakfast can also keep you feeling full throughout the whole day. Thus, there will be no need to eat anything before night time.

2. Do Not Depend On Cardio Only

Cardio is, indeed, the best way to lose weight. However, you shouldn’t depend on it only. Instead, we will also ask you to include calisthenics in your routine. This way, you can improve your overall flexibility and core strength to some extent.

When it comes to bodyweight exercises, you can opt for the following options –

  • Push-ups
  • Pull-ups
  • Squats
  • Burpees
  • Jump-ups
  • Star planks
  • Dips

3. Get Enough Sleep

Insomnia or not getting an adequate amount of sleep can increase your weight even more. This is because a lack of rest can lead to increased appetite and secretion of hunger hormones. It, in turn, increase your risk of obesity too.

While it depends on the type of body and status of your health, you should sleep for at least six hours daily. Also, we’d ask you to maintain a proper sleep cycle, lower your caffeine intake, and stop using electronic devices before going to bed.

4. Walk More

If you are not capable of exercising regularly, we would ask you to try walking instead. For example, if your school or office is near your house, you can try covering the distance on foot instead of taking a bus or taxi. Besides that, you should also walk for at least one hour daily to burn your body fat properly.

5. Avoid Drinking Sweetened Beverages

Drinking sweetened beverages once in a while is not harmful to your health. Nonetheless, if you continue the habit for a prolonged period, it might affect your stomach health. Besides, the elements available in the beverages also do not offer any nutritional value. How about tea? There are many benefits to drinking tea that outweigh the refreshing effects. Several studies have demonstrated that drinking tea improves your health, burns belly fat, and speeds up your metabolism, contributing further to weight loss.

Aside from this, alcoholic drinks also tend to be pretty high in calories and, therefore, can lower inhibitions extensively. Instead, we will ask you to drink green tea, as it is enriched in antioxidants and, thus, boost your metabolism rate.

Improving Diet To Burn Body Fat

Only taking care of your lifestyle factors will not be enough to lose body fat quickly. Instead, you have to keep an eye on your diet plan too. Here’s what you should include in it

  • Healthy fats (nuts, seeds, olive oil, avocados, coconut oil, etc.)
  • Fiber-rich foods (fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, etc.)
  • Protein-based products (chia seed, quinoa, sardines, etc.)

Wrapping Up!

Losing your weight shouldn’t be a tedious experience. Instead, you should make it a little more fun and exciting.

For example, you can try listening to music while working out. We have tried getting into a healthy competition of exercising with our friends, and it was pretty fun too.

However, no matter what you do, always remember that you cannot fix your condition quickly. It’ll take some time and loads of effort to take care of this situation efficiently.

So, be patient and focus on your diet-exercise routine intently. Hopefully, it will all work out in the right way for you!


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