Things Not to Do After an Auto Accident in Albuquerque


Serious auto accidents are not unusual in New Mexico. Because the immediate adrenaline rush is so high, people often don’t have the time to react. This is a fault state, and you can claim a settlement for an accident that was mostly your fault. Of course, circumstances vary, and if you make common mistakes, this can largely impact your ability to earn a settlement. Hiring an Albuquerque auto accident attorney can also improve your chances of getting compensated for your losses, especially when the other side is at fault. In this post, we are sharing the things you must NOT do after an accident.

Things Not to Do After an Auto Accident in Albuquerque

Fleeing the scene

You may assume that the accident was a minor fender bender, but no matter the circumstances, you have to stay back and wait at the scene. Don’t let the other driver tell you that it is okay to leave. Call the local law enforcement immediately, and don’t move anywhere unless an investigating officer arrives for further formalities.

Failing to call 911

You have to call 911 immediately if someone is injured in an auto accident. It doesn’t matter how the mishap happened or if you were to blame for it, get emergency medical assistance for those in need. If you are injured, don’t ignore your injuries and check with an injury specialist. Accident injuries often surface days later.

Admitting fault

You know that you were partly at fault for causing the accident and are probably willing to come out clean. However, this could go against you. The world is far from perfect, and anything you say to the insurance company or the other driver could go against you. Share details with the police for sure, but stick to the basic points.

Engaging in confrontations

Just like you shouldn’t be admitting fault after an auto accident, you should engage in confrontations, either. Yes, you have to talk to the other driver and swap information and contact details, but don’t blame them or say anything that could affect your claim.

Assuming that you can do it all

Insurance companies often try unique tactics to deny accident claims, and it makes no sense to deal with everything on your own if you have no prior experience. Ensure that you talk to an attorney who specializes in personal injury law and has experience working on accident lawsuits.

Call a lawyer immediately and get help for your accident claim.


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