5 Benefits of Using Android for Your Devices


Your computer, laptop, or smartphone works because the software and hardware work together. A significant portion of the software that enables the hardware components to work as one system and interact with the software is the operating system. The operating system (OS) is responsible for memory and disk management and loading and executing other software or program on your device. The same operating system enables you, as a user, to give commands through a user interface. Android OS, Apple iOS, and Microsoft windows are some widely used examples of OS.

5 Benefits of Using Android for Your Devices

Android is a great cost-effective Linux-based OS that supports over 100 languages. It has native integration with 15 GB of free google cloud storage, and you can buy more storage from other clouds too. There are many advantages android OS offers over its competitors. It is why whether you are looking for the perfect OS fit for your new device or are changing your old device’s OS, you should consider android. Let’s look into why android should be your device’s future OS.

1. App Distribution

Device applications offer different features and services. You might want many kinds of apps on your device, from entertainment to productivity apps. Android wins the race here.
Android offers over 3.48 million apps for you to browse from its primary app bank – Google App Store. If the app you need is unavailable on the google app store, you don’t need to worry. Android allows using third-party apps for downloading as well.

Suppose you want to download the best password manager android devices can have, and it is unavailable on the play store. In that case, you can download it from the developer’s website. Other OS, such as iOS, do not support accessing alternative stores.

Sometimes, there is little risk associated with downloading from an unknown source. Android warns you if the app you are trying to download is harmful. It only moves ahead with downloading when you give it the green light.

2. Customizable User Interface and Custom ROM

Android supports a touch user interface to enable human-computer interaction. It allows the users to swipe, tap, and use pinch-and-zoom for communication. While the existing user interface is easy to understand and use, android still allows for customizability.

Android OS allows users to make widgets that are self-contained programs. The widget display on the home screen, such as weather and email, improves user navigation and enhances user experience. If you want to add a widget, you can do so with just a few clicks.

Moreover, android is an open-source operating system which means that android’s source code is accessible and can be edited without a license. It gives you more freedom with your user interface customizability as long as you can root and code for your desired features.

Even if you are not a programmer, you can still experience exciting features exclusive to the standard android OS features. You can install a custom ROM into your android-enabled device from a third-party developer. A custom ROM would substitute the stock ROM of your mobile; it will replace the standard user interface skin with the one you choose instead. Lastly, with custom ROM, you can later update your android version too!

Other OS are often closed sources and do not allow the code to be used for exciting experiments. With the Android OS, you can make changes on any level; each tweak opens a doorway to a new user adventure.

3. Affordable Platform for Developers

Android’s open-source developer-friendly environment is perfect for you if you are a developer. Android enables developers with skills and time to utilize android resources through YouTube and Google to unleash their creativity and expertise.

The android ecosystem comes with free resources such as SDK (software development kit), Android Studio IDE, compilers, sketch software, emulators, and debuggers. It also includes other toolchains a developer might require for cutting-edge low-level development and testing. There is no development cap, so you can develop as many apps as possible.
Android’s favorable policies do not just let developers – individuals or companies – develop new applications. It also allows them to publish their apps and get them out in the android market without hassle after a one-time payment of $25.00.

4. Constant improvement

Android has come a long way; it launched as Android 1.0 G1 in 2008 with a handful of features and only 35 apps. Over the years, it allowed enthusiastic developers to contribute to the project. Android’s developers, being receptive, adapted to the new features and further allowed the OS feature list to grow.

2009 sighted android version 1.5 Cupcake allowed third-party apps and widget configuration. With constant improvement, by 2011, face recognition, live video effects, and canned text responses made their way to android 4.0’s features list.

Now, android 12 is in the market, and android 13 is on its way. The rapid and steady development ensures constant improvement and new features consistently added to the OS; you can never go wrong with android on your device.

5. Connectivity and Process Management

Along with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, Android has more connectivity options. Android OS has been tuned for various wireless networking and telephony stacks, including GSM, LTE, and CDMA.

Also, android has various levels of processing: foreground, visible, service, background, and empty. It allows your apps to run in the environment too. Suppose you play music; it will be in the foreground while using the music app. However, if you keep the app open and still play music, the process continues as a service process. These processes are managed automatically by Android OS, and you won’t have to worry about doing it manually.

Will Android Work on My device?

Unlike its competitor, iOS, which works exclusively on apple products, android OS can work on various hardware. Because of its Linux origin, android has standard minimum hardware required for operating the operating system, but you can check if your device is compatible with any Android versions. Also, once you have android on your device, the updates to new versions are free!

In Summary

Choosing android from the many OS options is a wise decision. Android’s open source and dynamic community constantly add new bug-less features to improve the consumer experience. It is affordable and compatible with many devices too. Its high connectivity and automatic process management remove trouble from the user’s end. The vast app distribution and the expanding app store give the user a lot of choices with the applications they can enjoy on their device. Android also lets you be more creative and comfortable with the interface by adding widgets and making changes as you like.


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