The Benefits of Company Swag


The business world often talks about the importance of branding and company culture. However, business owners struggle to incorporate these two concepts together. Instead, they approach them as two separate tasks.

Branding and company culture go hand in hand. Your brand should reflect the culture in your company and vice versa.

So, how can you bring these two together in one form? One option is providing company swag.

It may sound strange, but company merch is an excellent way to blend these vital concepts. It provides a sense of employee appreciation and instills the brand in your company culture.

There are several other ways that company merch can benefit your company. We’ll explore the benefits of these products in the guide below!

Welcome New Employees with Company Swag

Companies receive new employees every day. However, many businesses struggle with finding ways to make their new recruits feel welcome.

In fact, several studies show that new employees struggle to know if they belong in their new roles. Psychologists refer to this feeling as “belonging uncertainty.”

Giving away company-branded merch can help fight this feeling. This merchandise can include several things, such as notebooks, employee handbooks, water bottles, and T-shirts.

The best company swag bags include a mix of practical necessities and fun gifts. It often helps to have established stores for these gifts, too. You can learn more about this at

Unite Your Company’s Teams

Large businesses have several teams and divisions working within them. Sometimes, these teams feel disjointed and separated. It’s hard for them to see each other as co-workers when their work is different.

However, a positive company culture helps different teams feel united in one project. These teams then communicate and coordinate better.

Company swag can help businesses bridge these gaps. You can provide merch tailored to each of your specific teams to make them feel appreciated and recognized by the company. This can establish a sense of camaraderie between workers.

Celebrate Your Employees

Company swag can also be a gift for an employee recognition program. For example, many businesses have an employee of the month system. You could offer your employee of the month a specialized gift to reward their hard work.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, ensure the gifts you provide are things that your employees would actually like. Remember, there’s nothing wrong with taking a survey of your employees to get their opinions.

Use Swag to Promote Company Values

Finally, companies can use swag to promote their values. Having a company mission often helps engage employees more. In fact, many Americans say they’d rather work for a job they feel provides meaning than one that pays more.

How can you do this? One way is to include your company motto or listed values in your swag. This way, employees get constant reminders of why they work for this company.

Unlock the Benefits of Company Swag

As you can see, company swag packages can provide several benefits. They can boost employee engagement and motivation within the company. Company merch can also inculcate a strong sense of the company’s brand in their workers.

So, start creating the best company swag bags for your business! Soon, you can achieve these benefits, too.

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