Step-by-step Guide To Split Your PDF Files Via PDFBear Cloud-Based Website


Splitting your PDF files has been made easy with PDFBear’s split PDF tool. You just have to upload your files to the website, and the rest will follow. PDFBear is the top option for most consumers, from students to professionals.

Step-by-step Guide To Split Your PDF Files Via PDFBear Cloud-Based Website

It has an extensive range of resources, full enough to help you solve all your PDF-related problems and needs. If you manage files that require sufficient privacy, then PDFBear is the best option for you. If you want to use its free split PDF tool offered, follow these steps stated below.

Step 1: Upload Your PDFs

Select the PDFs from your device and drag them to the PDFBear’s toolbox to begin the process. You can also tap the “Select A File” button to get you started. No worries, as their interface is fast as thunder.

One of the most common features of the website is its ability to support several platforms with no complications as long as you have a secure connection to the internet. You can totally split PDF pages on Mac, Linux, Windows, or even on Android. You can also use any device to access the web.

Step 2: Choose The Pages

The next step you have to follow is selecting pages from PDFs you wish to split by clicking on the pages themselves. The content of the pages will remain protected and confidential to protect your own privacy. PDFBear highly values the protection of its customers.

Accessible on various platforms, the site will not disappoint you since it can even be accessed on your smartphones. They also ensure that your documents will not undergo unwanted adjustments. Original layouts will remain. Only the pages you have selected will be separated.

Step 3: Refine The Pages

After choosing the pages you have to split, click “Refine Pages” to export them into an individual document. It will be quick and convenient. You just have to make sure that you have selected the right pages from your PDFs. But, if you pick the wrong pages, you are free to begin the process again. It will not affect production.

Just let the toolbox analyze your input. All steps given are safe and reliable. The quality of your document will be secure at all levels. See their Privacy Policy for more information. Among all the splitting tools available on the internet today, PDFBear’s split PDF tool is the safest.

Step 4: Download

When you are through with the three steps mentioned above, save and keep your newly split files. Download them on your computer, smartphone, or even on your tablet. You can also use your Dropbox and Google Drive to save your outputs.

PDFBear ensures that users can save the best possible output. This keeps them more popular than other cloud-based services that you can find on the internet today. The system will immediately erase your saved records from the server once you are done using their toolbox.

How To Protect Your Documents Using PDFBear?

Aside from its splitting tool, PDFBear also offers free online tools that can help you protect your documents in just a few simple steps. These tools are especially useful in this modern world, where everything can be stolen in just a blink.

Protect PDF Tool

Adding a password on your PDFs secures the privacy of your content. Thanks to PDFBear’s protect PDF tool that makes this task possible. The tool can save your files 100% and keep them away from potential threats.

eSign PDF Tool

Allow the eSign PDF tool from PDFBear to protect your documents and show your ownership by adding your signature. This digital solution offers a lot of benefits for the owner of the PDF and its intended recipients.

Add Watermark Tool

There are several factors why you need to apply watermarks to your documents and kudos to the website that makes the process easy and possible. Watermarking your documents is becoming pain-free with the presence of PDFBear. There are no complicated steps to take.


All of your concerns will be addressed through PDFBear’s service. In just a click away, everything will be solved. All the tools mentioned are free and effective. The only thing that requires you is your trust to let them manage the task and secure your data.


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