How to Prepare and Excel at IBPS RRB Exam This Year


The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection or the IBPS conducts an exam every year to find candidates who can work in the top 11 public sector banks. This exam is known as the IBPS RRO exam. It is an annual exam that sees lakhs of participants each year. Because the exam has so many participants, the competition is large while the vacancies are limited.

How to Prepare and Excel at IBPS RRB Exam This Year

The cut-off marks for the exams are based on varying factors, including the number of participants. While you may want to rush to check the IBPS RRB previous year cut-off to gauge your chances, you might also want to look at the exam syllabus.

Exam Pattern and Syllabus

Below is the syllabus for the IBPS RRO exams:

  • There are three exams for the IBPS RRO, including the prelims, mains, and single-level exam.
  • The exam consists of multiple-choice objective-type questions.
  • The questions paper is available in both English and Hindi.
  • The prelims exam carries a total of 80 marks.
  • A total of 200 marks is allotted to the main exam.
  • Reasoning and Numerical Ability is tested in the prelims exam.
  • Apart from reasoning and numerical ability, General Awareness, English/Hindi Language, and Computer Knowledge are also tested in the mains exam.
  • Wrong answers carry negative marking for which there is a penalty of ¼ marks per incorrect question.

How Can You Prepare for the Exam?

The IBPS RRB is a highly competitive exam that tests your reasoning and general knowledge. The following points can help you with your studies for this exam:

Revise By Section

The IBPS RRB is filled with sections, and each section tests a different skill. For improving your aptitude, it’s best to get well-versed with one section instead of trying to study them all at once. Revise the material from one section and become proficient before tackling the entire syllabus all at once.

Sample Question Papers

The anatomy of the IBPS RRO is generally the same through the years. Apart from a few small changes, the question types are more or less the same. Find the previous year’s question papers, and you’ll get a good idea of the type of questions and sections you’ll be dealing with.


Mock papers are the keystone of preparing for any competitive exam, and the IBPS RRO is no exception. You will find plenty of mock papers online that you can try cracking. Some of these tests even come with a timer so you can see which sections are more time-consuming. If you can’t go online, your study material and textbooks will have a few mock papers you can try out.

Time Yourself

You will be surprised at how fast time can fly when you’re pondering on a single question. By the time you’ve hit your stride, you may not even be able to finish the paper. It is important to time yourself at home while solving questions to understand how to allot it best. Remember, you don’t need to answer the questions in any specific order.

Further Reading

The cut-off for each year’s exam is officially announced based on factors like the number of candidates, number of vacancies, and the average amount of marks scored. Because of this, the cut-off is announced only after the exams. However, the cut-off changes only slightly each year, so you can check the IBPS RRB previous years’ cut-off as a reference.


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