How Choosing the Correct Bolster Pillow Can Make All The Difference


If you are a yoga enthusiast, the type of yoga bolster pillow that you use is going to make a huge difference. The right yoga bolster pillow can provide support and balance when in challenging poses, while also providing comfort and relaxation if your body needs it. In this blog post we will take a look at some of the most popular yoga bolsters on the market today!

How Choosing the Correct Bolster Pillow Can Make All The Difference

True to the core

If you are a true lover of yoga, then you are in luck because there are a lot of different yoga bolster pillow products to choose from, you can buy just about anything for your practice these days. For example, did you know that there are over 40 types of bolsters with a variety of colours and designs? Yoga is so popular these days that you have full control over what you get in terms of visual flair, or something more conservative, if you don’t want everybody taking a look that is.

Go for quality over looks

It can be really tempting to go for something that looks really nice and completely forget about the function of the bolster which kind of defeats the point of the object, kind of like a ship without a captain. You will want to go for quality over looks and make sure that the bolster supports you properly, as it should do and, as it is designed to. If you go for a cheap bolster, you will receive a cheap experience which could leave you feeling sorry for yourself with tender bones and a sore backside!

Hints and tips

  1. How to use a yoga bolster – Place a bolster between your legs, and lay your upper body and head on it. Arms can be rested on the ground or on the bolster.
  2. The benefits of using the yoga bolster – To assist in bringing the bones of the lower body into ideal alignment, use your bolster as a seat. Furthermore, because a bolster is so comfortable, you’ll be able to keep your sat posture for far longer than you would if you were sitting on a hard floor.
  3. Where to buy a yoga bolster – You will find the majority of bolsters on the Internet, however, how will you try the bolster if you aren’t able to actually go and do a ‘touchy, feely’ exercise? Your best bet would be to go to a shop.
  4. What is the best size for your body type – You’d really have to go and try the various sizes, mostly, they are made from cotton with the biggest difference being, the density and the durability of the cover.
  5. Why should you invest in one? – If you want to practice this form of yoga at home, a yoga bolster is a fantastic investment. By supporting different regions of the body, bolsters can help you relax more in restorative yoga postures.

Essential really

You could liken the idea of not having a yoga bolster to the idea of going skateboarding without a skateboard, you just wouldn’t do it so why leave something like a yoga bolster to one side?


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