How To Create Faith-Based Branded Content for Christians


Whether you’re a church, a faith-based charity, or an ecommerce store catering specifically to Christians, marketing is critical to growing your organization and reaching new people. That being said, many organizations struggle to understand how to attract their ideal audience. Let’s imagine that you’re interested in branded content. How do you create this type of content? What do you need to develop a successful marketing strategy? If you’re looking to improve your advertising, here’s how to create faith-based branded content for Christians that will convert.

Do your research to better understand what branded content is.

As the marketer and owner of your business, it’s important that you know what this type of content is. So, what is branded content? Unlike traditional advertising, brand-focused content campaigns seek to increase exposure without having to employ spammy ads or product-based ads. In regard to your content marketing strategy, this means that you’re focused on emphasizing your values while managing to be valuable and compelling to the viewer. Rather than featuring your product front and center, you put your brand somewhere in the content that gets people interested in who you are and what you do. Some great examples include Dove (they’ve had touching campaigns about beauty that were adjacent to their products) and The LEGO Movie (which marketed Legos without ever having to push the product).

Achieving this will allow you to generate buzz around your brand without having to put ads like banner ads in front of your target audience.

Figure out what types of mediums you want to use to market your brand.

Generating brand awareness can be done in a wide variety of creative ways. If you want to get the word out, you can:

  • Host your own event where you hand out great products like women’s Bible study books and conduct outreach or raise money for a specific issue your community faces. When people see that you invested in the community and focused on its well-being, this is a great way to get people talking about your church or organization.
  • Create your own content or find a podcast where you can talk about some of your favorite Bible verses and what they mean to you. Discussing these verses and how they relate to your organization’s values can give others insight into your organization and generate buzz.
  • Develop your own blog content or social media content that touches on certain topics important to your organization. As you start to attract more people and build an audience, brand recognition will grow stronger, and sales or presence will improve as well.

Your marketing strategy is something that will always be changing as you grow and scale. Set initial goals but make sure that you’re flexible. If something changes or if you find a better way to spread your message and get people’s attention, try doing that instead.

Regularly evaluate your progress and make necessary adjustments.

It’s not enough to create great content campaigns and post them on your website or other places online. You have to make sure that you’re getting the results you want or making any changes required to see better engagement. No matter which platform you’re using, learn how to use data analytics to understand who you’re reaching, how they’re engaging with you, and how much you’re growing over time. This will be crucial to hitting your goals and making sure that your brand is getting out there.

There are multiple types of marketing to employ, even for faith-based organizations that need to grow their audience or customer base. If you’re trying to reach more Christians, use the faith-based branded content tips offered above!


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