Common Cat Care Questions and Their Answers


A cat’s health is of utmost importance for cat owners. Your cat needs all the care, love and protection that you can give but sometimes, we neglect some important things because we do not know how to deal with felines.

Common Cat Care Questions and Their Answers

It is important to be updated and knowledgeable about cat health and cat needs to keep your pet with you for a longer time in top condition. Here are some cat health questions and brief but useful answers.

• What nutritious food can you include in a cat’s diet? Cats are carnivorous so a big supply of meat and high protein food would do them good. Aside from protein, they will also need fats, carbohydrates and other vitamins and minerals. High fat and high carbohydrate diets will also keep your cat healthy.

Look for cat food that will satisfy these requirements. Consult your vet for specific cat health questions on diet, vitamin supplements or certain cat food components that you should be looking for the type of cat you have. In feeding your cat, make sure to give a variety of food to them and not just one brand or one type. Cats can also lose their appetite of you keep on giving the same meal.

• What vaccinations do cats need? The core vaccinations a cat needs are for feline panleukopenia, feline viral rhinotracheitis and feline calcivirus. Aside from these three that will probably given to your cat when it is a month or two months old, rabies vaccine will also be needed at around four months.

After every three years or even yearly, vaccine boosters must be given for the core vaccines and for the rabies vaccine.

• What are the common cat diseases? This is one of the cat health questions that a lot of owners should care to ask about. Since cats are good in masking symptoms of disease, noticing the slightest change in your pet’s routine may just be your way of learning about an illness.

Common illnesses include, diabetes, arthritis, urinary tract infection, feline distemper, feline infectious peritonitis, feline immunodeficiency virus and worm infestation just to name a few. Each one has specific symptoms and some are even fatal. Learn about each one to prevent it or take immediate care in case symptoms manifest.

• How do you know if a cat has rabies? Rabies is caused by a virus and is fatal to the feline family. It is often transmitted through the bite of an infected animal. The virus greatly affects the nervous system and symptoms include erratic behavior and spiking fever.

It can cause hallucinations and excessive drooling. Their behavior becomes violent; they are easily distracted by any moving object causing them to react violently. Aside from loss of appetite, the last stages of this disease cause paralysis, respiratory failure and ultimately, death.

• What does matted cat fur mean? A topic on cat’s fur may not seem to be one of common cat health questions but it actually is. Aside from grooming and the aesthetic value of a cat’s fur, it also indicates the health of a cat. Matted cat’s fur may mean your pet has an underlying condition that it cannot take time to groom itself.

Do you know the best food to feed your cat? Go to And get all answers to your cat questions from their website.


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