What are the Most Important Tips to Solve the Tough Questions of Exponents Very Easily?


Being clear about the rules is considered to be the key to success in solving the questions associated with exponents. There can be several kinds of exponential equations which might confuse the people which is the main reason that they must be clear about the basic concept so that overall goals are efficiently achieved. The exponents are also known as the powers of the values that will always show how many times to multiply a particular base number by itself so that answer can be easily achieved. The number which has been raised by a particular power will is known as the base and the number which is the subscript above the number which will be known as the exponent or power.

What are the Most Important Tips to Solve the Tough Questions of Exponents Very Easily

Following are some of the basic rules to be followed by the kids along with different kinds of tips of using them so that answers are very accurately achieved by the kids:

The exponent rules can be categorized into seven points which are explained as:

  1. The product of powers rule will always help in making sure that whenever the multiplication of two bases of the same value will be undertaken people need to keep the basis the same and then at the exponent power to get out the solution. In this particular category, people can go with the option of multiplying force to power to plus force to power five and the exact answer will come out to be forced to power seven.
  2. Under the quotient of powers rule, people need to keep the basin and then subtract the value of the exponent so that they can reach out the answers very easily without any kind of problem. In the cases of five raised to a power, 5÷5 raised to the power three people will be achieving the answer of five raised to the power two.
  3. In the cases of power rule, the rule will always show that people need to multiply the exponents together and keep the base always seeming so that they can reach the exact answers without any kind of problem.
  4. In the cases of power of a product rule, people need to distribute the exponent to every part of the base so that they can reach out the answers very accurately and without any kind of problem. Both of the variables will be undertaken in the equation and will be raised to the power of which is given in the question so that answers are easily achieved.
  5. Under the power of a quotient rule, people will always be dividing two quantities and in this particular point, they will be raising a question by power so that overall goals are efficiently achieved and there is no hassle throughout the process.
  6. Under the zero power rule any base which has been raised to the power of zero will always come out to be one as an answer and the easiest way of explaining this particular point is to go with the option of using the question of powers rule so that people can achieve the answers very easily.
  7. Under the negative exponent rule, people will always have a negative exponent in the power and people need to flip it into a reciprocal to turn the exponent into a positive so that they can reach the answers very easily.

Apart from all the above-mentioned points, it is also very much important for the kids to register themselves on platforms like Cuemath so that they become very much clear about properties of exponents which will further ensure that they will never get confused in the examination as everything will be moving in a very streamlined manner because they will be taught by experts over this particular platform to ensure good scores in the long run.


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