Tips on How to Use a Baby Thermometer


When the baby’s sick, what does mom do? Run to the baby store and buy a baby thermometer. However, if you don’t know how to use it properly, a baby thermometer is useless. Parents need to learn how to use a baby thermometer to monitor the baby easily at home. It will also help them know whether the baby needs expert care or not.

Tips on How to Use a Baby Thermometer

Here are several tips on how to use a baby thermometer that you should take note of:

1) Know the Normal Temperature Range:

When a baby is healthy, the baby’s temperature is about 35.5 degrees Celsius (96.9 degrees Fahrenheit) orally and 36-37.5 degrees Celsius (97.7-99.5 degrees Fahrenheit) rectally in the baby’s armpit or ear canal. Use a baby thermometer to check the baby’s temperature when the baby doesn’t feel well so you can know whether a baby has a fever or not accurately.

2) Probe the Ear Correctly

When you use a baby thermometer to probe the baby’s ear, it needs to be done correctly, especially for new parents who are not familiar with this method of checking the baby’s temperature yet. Firstly, clean the end of both probes with soap and dry with a tissue or alcohol wipe after cleaning before using the baby thermometer. Once dry, insert the baby’s ear with the probe tip facing the baby’s eardrum and hold it there securely for a few seconds.

3) Probe the Rectum Correctly

Before probing the baby’s rectum, you have to lubricate the probe with water-based gel or petroleum jelly. You can also use baby oil as long as you clean the baby thermometer properly before inserting it into the baby’s armpit again after rectally checking the baby’s temperature. Lubricate the end of the baby thermometer only and do not lubricate where the battery is located.

Probe the Rectum Correctly

If you do so and accidentally break it during your check-up, the baby will get hurt immediately due to sharp fragments inside. Once you finish this part, gently slide the baby’s rectum with the baby thermometer between the baby’s buttocks and aim the probe directly at the baby’s navel. Hold the baby still, or you can hold a baby in a baby carrier to make the baby stay still during checking temperature.

4) Hold baby still

You have to hold the baby’s head and body firmly when checking the baby’s temperature to limit the movements. Make sure there is no clothing covering the baby’s armpits before letting him or her lie down on a flat surface with legs bent slightly away from the chest for easy access to both armpits or ear canals so you can easily use a thermometer which you can get at Also, place the arm that you are going to use as probe support gently around your baby’s torso so your baby won’t be able to roll over onto his stomach while being checked for fever.

5) Read Temperature Level Carefully

Don’t forget to record the baby’s temperature level by pressing the button according to the baby’s age. For a baby less than three months old, press the button once for every degree Celsius baby has a fever, and do not forget to record down baby temperature level. For a baby more than three months old, press the button three times to read the baby’s temperature level accurately. Take note of time by lifting the baby’s arm slightly away from the baby’s body so you can see the display clock clearly when recording the baby’s temperature.

6) Keep Track of Baby Temperature Levels

Make sure you have enough batteries before checking baby’s temperature every time because it will take only 2 seconds to check baby’s temperature at the armpit or ear canal with a baby thermometer and natural reading on the LCD screen isn’t perfect as electronic readings, especially if your hand is shaking or low-battery baby thermometer makes a lot of noise while reading baby’s body temperature.

7) Clean baby thermometer after each use

Make sure you clean the baby’s ear canal or armpit before inserting the baby’s ear with tissue or alcohol wipe to take up possible residue that could interfere with the accuracy of the baby thermometer after checking the baby temperature rectally and hold baby arm slightly away from the side of the baby torso so you can see LCD well enough to read result accurately when recording down. Use soap for cleaning and dry well before storing it in a cool, dry place like a baby room cupboard. Don’t forget to wash your hands too.


After you finish checking the baby ‘s temperature, make sure the baby isn’t too hot or cold. If the baby is too hot after checking the temperature, take off some layers of baby clothes before taking the baby outside. On the other hand, if the baby feels chilly after checking the baby’s temperature, put extra layers of baby clothes on him before going out to protect your baby from getting a cold.


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