Mistakes to Avoid When Setting Up a Business


While it’s never been easier to launch a new business, it most certainly isn’t a given that the business will be successful and there are many variables out of your control that can impact the business. Of course, you will need a very good business plan that covers every aspect of the organisation and your business concept should be a sound one.

Mistakes to Avoid When Setting Up a Business

Here are a few mistakes to avoid when setting up a business.

1. Lack of preparation – If you go into this project without carrying out essential market research, you could find that your product is not selling as you had hoped, Another possible cause of failure is a poor marketing plan; if you are not making enough sales, then finances will gradually be eaten away until the business can no longer pay its bills.

2. Lack of funds – Even if the business has the money to start trading, there are, of course, running costs and if your company has short-term finance problems, there is cash flow lending for businesses from a leading Australian lender. This is the most common cause of a business failing in the first 12 months and when writing the business plan, you must crunch the numbers and make sure that you have adequate funding.

3. Bad management – If the boss has no direction and does not lead from the front, the organisation would suffer, likely resulting in poor customer service and that would lead to complaints. This is especially pertinent during a busy period when resources are stretched and if not addressed, staff morale will plummet and things can rapidly go downhill. Here are a few tips if you are looking to hire an accountant.

4. Lack of insurance – As the business owner, it is your job to minimise the risks to the business and lack of essential insurance could result in a compensation claim that would effectively see the business closed and its assets sold off. Whatever industry, you should have public liability insurance, plus the business premises and all stock should be insured, along with all company vehicles. Click here for government advice concerning risk management, which is an essential aspect of running a business.

5. Poor Customer Service – Some businesses are so wrapped up in the daily processes that they forget all about customer service, which is a recipe for disaster. Unhappy customers are bad news and before long, your reputation will be in tatters and that could spell disaster. Improving the customer experience is something that every business owner should prioritise and your hard work over the years will result in you earning a reputation for 5-star service.

In order to create a winning business, everything needs to be in the right place and when you encounter issues (you always do), you must be determined to overcome all the problems and with a lot of hard work and a little good fortune, your business will soon be celebrating its first anniversary.


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