How to Choose a Web Developer in 2022


Websites are essential for digital marketing because it lets users online find your business. That is why business owners pay good money for web developers to create optimized and user-friendly websites for their companies.

Good web developers understand what brands want to portray on their websites. And know what users need in a website. They also know the latest update in search engine algorithms to ensure your site’s ranking won’t go down.

How to Choose a Web Developer in 2022

But, how do you choose good web developers? Well, you’ll have to continue reading this article to find out.

Do They Understand Your Business Needs?

Good developers need to know what your business needs. Just because some businesses are the same does not mean they need the same solution. So before you hire one, try checking their past clients. And check what unique solutions they came up with to help them.

A good web developer needs to put themselves in your shoes and create solutions that will fit your business’ and audiences’ needs.

Look For Someone Who Can Fit Your Work Culture

The success or failure of your website will depend on how similar or different the work culture of your business and the company of your web developer is because it will determine if you can get along with each other or not. Besides that, you should also check their values, personality, and pace to know if they are parallel with yours.

But keep in mind that your business also needs to have an agile development culture. So it can respond to the constant change in technology and trends. Every web developer will have difficulty working with you if you can’t adapt.

How Do They Communicate and Collaborate?

Communication is everything in web development projects. How can your web developer visualize the solution to your business if they can’t understand your needs in the first place? Projects can easily go off-track if you have communication problems with your web developer. So it would be best to ask them first these questions to assess their communication style:

  • Who can you contact if you have feedback, concerns, and queries?
  • Can you reach them via multiple communication channels like email, Skype, phone, etc.?
  • What is the time frame for the project?
  • Can they explain to you their business solution?

Beyond Back-end Development

Web development is not all about coding and programming. Yes, your website needs to function. But web design and responsiveness are just as essential. That is because Google will only display those mobile-friendly, fast, and responsive on the first pages of search results.

Besides websites, it would be best to let your web developers create QA support, automation, and mobile app development. Letting one team create these ensures faster turnaround time and a cohesive approach.

Ask for Work Samples and References

Choosing your web developer is a big decision for any company. So, don’t hesitate to ask previous clients about their experience with your potential developer. Their feedback will help with your decisions. You can also check out review sites like Yelp to look at their ratings and what other people are saying.

Another thing you can do is ask for samples and take notes on what things you like and what you don’t.

Add up the Budget

You must inquire about a company’s development costs. Some will offer additional services and tools for extra costs. So, ask how such offers will affect your project. Don’t try to add flashy if you are still starting. You just ensure your website is user-friendly to its core.


Your website needs to reflect your brand while being user-friendly and updated. And that can only happen with the help of the right web developer. So if you know anyone who wants to hire one, share this article to help.


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