Electrolysis vs Laser Hair Removal: What Are the Differences?


Women spend their whole lives battling hair growth. Under their arms, on their legs, in the bikini area, or the upper lip. They keep coming back no matter how much they pluck, shave, or wax.

One study showed that a woman might shave more than 7,700 times in her lifetime and spend over $10,000 on shaving-related products. Men may also seek to get rid of unwanted hair on their chest, back, or sideburns.

Electrolysis vs Laser Hair Removal

If you are looking for a more permanent solution, you may be weighing the pros and cons of electrolysis vs. laser hair removal.

In this article, we will look at the differences between these two hair removal methods.

What Is Electrolysis Hair Removal?

Electrolysis is a technique to remove hair by using a very thin needle into the follicle and blasting it with a tiny electric current.

This damages the hair root and prevents further growth. It is not painful, causing only a brief zing, and results in permanent hair removal.

Electrolysis is safe to use on any hair, including on the face.

Removing hair via electrolysis can be lengthy as you need to target each hair follicle separately. This can mean dozens of sessions, especially if you want to target a large area. Your sessions also need to be relatively close together to target the cycle of hair growth.

That means coming in for a session once a week or every two weeks for up to a year and a half.

What Is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal sends heat toward cells that contain a lot of pigment. Dark hair follicles absorb this heat, which destroys them. The death of the hair cell is not always permanent. However, hair removal lasts a lot longer than shaving or waxing.

Most people will have about six to eight sessions to halt growth. These will take place six to eight weeks apart. Over time, the hair will grow back thinner and more sparse.

Once your main sessions are completed, you can go back once a year to deal with any minor hair regrowth.

Laser hair removal works best on dark hair, as the laser cannot target blonde or gray hair.

It is best to have laser hair removal done with a certified dermatologist and not at any beauty salon. This treatment can result in scars, discoloration, or burns when not done correctly.

Laser hair removal at Sistine Plastic Surgery involves customized treatment for your specific hair and skin type.

These are some popular areas for hair removal:

  • Legs
  • Bikini area
  • Toes
  • Belly
  • Upper lip
  • Male chest
  • Armpits

Here are some laser hair removal tips for before and after your treatment.

Laser Hair Removal Guide

It is essential to avoid tanning or too much sun exposure for four weeks before your treatment. This can lead to dark patches of skin known as hyperpigmentation.

It is best to do as much of your laser treatment as possible in the cooler months when sun exposure is less likely. However, you should still remember to use sunscreen daily.

People with darker skin color are not good candidates for laser hair removal as they are more prone to hyperpigmentation. This is because the laser targets the melanin in the skin, and dark skin contains more melanin.

Your dermatologist will recommend you shave right before your treatment.

During the procedure, you may be given goggles and cream to numb the area. Laser hair removal will feel like tiny zaps of heat against the skin. Your skin may feel a bit sensitive after your session, and you should avoid too much sunlight.

Electrolysis vs. Laser Hair Removal

There are pros and cons when it comes to electrolysis vs. laser hair removal. Laser hair removal is often preferred because it takes fewer sessions and has great outcomes.

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