Physical Therapy and Foot Pain


Foot pain is a widespread problem. Approximately a quarter of the population suffers from frequent foot pain. Foot pain can significantly limit or affect your daily activities, decrease the quality of life, and interrupt your routines. Whether your job requires you to stay on your toes (metaphorically or literally), you’re a parent with little children to chase around, or you engage in activities that require you to be on your feet – foot pain can put a damper on any of these pursuits and activities. Fortunately, physical therapy can help address many forms of foot pain and help you find relief and get back to your life, feeling free to pursue your adventures and fulfill your various responsibilities. If you are experiencing foot pain and are local to east Idaho, there are many options available for you. Consider searching for physical therapy Rigby, Idaho Falls, Rexburg, Ammon, or other locations in east Idaho to see what options are closest to you.

Physical Therapy and Foot Pain

How Physical Therapy Can Help

Your physical therapist and doctor can work together to determine the cause of your foot pain and help develop a treatment plan that will work best for you. Many people are worried to get clinical help because they are concerned about getting surgery on their feet. What people don’t understand is that there are many options available for helping relieve foot pain. One of these treatments includes physical therapy. Physical therapy can help the following conditions that often cause foot pain or discomfort:

  • Tendititis
  • Broken or fractured bones
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Strains and sprains
  • Bone spurs
  • Arthritis

Identifying Issues and Underlying Problems

In physical therapy, typically your physical therapist will address your injuries and pain with two goals in mind: First, to help relieve immediate pain so that you can begin to function and feel better. Second, to work with you to help ensure the functionality of your bones, joints, and muscles in your specific impacted area.

While working with your foot pain, your physical therapist may have you engage in certain activities like balance, walking correctly, and muscle strengthening in your foot. These activities can help improve functions that may have been lost while you have been experiencing foot pain. Many people whose feet hurt will actually start walking differently in order to accommodate or relieve pain. This can cause further physical issues if not addressed.

Another route your physical therapist may take is addressing other parts of your body that are causing your feet to hurt. Often this situation will happen when an old injury or a functionality issue in the body is causing the feet to feel pain. In this scenario, the physical therapist will often work on other parts of your body in order to help relieve the pain in your feet.

Schedule an Appointment

It is normal to want to avoid surgery or other serious medical procedures on your feet if you are experiencing feet pain, but don’t let that be the reason to avoid receiving medical help. Options like physical therapy have been shown to help relieve pain and restore functionality in various parts of your body, including your feet. Your physical therapist is highly trained and can help pinpoint locations of your body to work on whether your foot pain is a result of an old injury or physical accommodation. Search for physical therapy Rigby, Idaho Falls, Rexburg, Ammon, or other locations in east Idaho to discover the options available for you.


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