6 Amazing Ideas to Reduce Your Work Fatigue


You’ve crunched the numbers, met your quotas, finished all your reports, and on the road on becoming the best employee of the month. But there’s a catch, you almost feel drained, exhausted, and near empty when you go back home.

6 Amazing Ideas to Reduce Your Work Fatigue

Sounds like you? These are all signs of having work fatigue. It is important to be productive at work, but it’s also equally important to be able to take care of yourself. We’re proud of you that you can do such an amazing job, but we’ll be even prouder if you’re an amazing employee but even a more amazing friend, and family member.

Don’t worry mate, we have you covered, here are 6 Amazing Ideas To Reduce Your Work Fatigue:

1. Work Is Work, Don’t Make It A Lifestyle

Exhaustion is not and will never be a badge of honor. Of course, we all need to work to sustain ourselves, keep a roof above our heads, have food in the fridge, and pay the bills. But work should only take up at best around 8 to 10 hours of your day!

Studies have shown that working for extended periods of time has a negative effect not only on your physical health, but also your mental wellbeing making you feel fatigued and less productive on the following day. Extended periods of working for longer hours may sound good for the buck but it can cause serious damage to you, and to your loved ones. So, if it’s time to log out of work, do so, and do not bring work home (aside if you’re working from home that is).

Make sure on your day offs or time offs that you’re surely to reward yourself too, even that slice of cake, or perhaps watching an extra episode. Small rewards can go a long way.

2. Stick To Your Routines

The pandemic has shifted various things we never thought would change. Part of this is our day-to-day work or school routines. Let’s say before the pandemic, you get up at 7am, take a bath, have breakfast and a cup of joe, then commute for around 30 minutes and start your day and get out of 5pm, go home, have dinner, check your socials, watch Netflix, then go to sleep then the cycle repeats tomorrow. But because of the pandemic all of this suddenly changed. Because of several work from home arrangements, it’s now possible to work without taking a bath first or having dinner and you can stay in your sweatpants all day long.

This may sound good from the get-go, but it also has some serious repercussions such as work fatigue. So, it is also advised that even if you have a work from home arrangement, it is important to stick to your usual routines that worked best for you, and if they don’t, then find a new routine! Try having breakfast first instead of taking a bath, but no matter the deal, in work from home setups, try your best to treat it as your regular face to face beating the clock day at work.

3. Eat, Sleep, Play

This is relatively, and painfully obvious. If you eat more, you’re going to have more energy of course. If you sleep more, then you won’t feel that tired tomorrow. But it is understandable that you also want time to yourself, so to reduce all that pent up stress from work, not only should you treat yourself to a good restaurant or sleep in early, but also try playing with friends! Check out escape rooms chicago area not only will you get to play but also boost other health benefits! Whether you win or lose, it won’t matter since you’re out with your friends and nothing is better and can make you feel more refreshed and rejuvenated than a cup of coffee, a good conversation, with people that you love!

4. Don’t Wait For Friday

We work and work and work until it’s Friday, have the time of our lives, go out with friends, then rest on the weekend. Then repeat the process all over again next week. Sounds dreadful right? But what if I told you, that this doesn’t have to be the case at all times? Whether it’s hooray Fridays, or dreadful Mondays, or even long Wednesdays, remember that you always have the option to destress. Destressing doesn’t always have to be going out to the bar, but it can also be in the form of catching up with friends, going to the theatres playing an online game or even going to puzzle room seattle. Practically, anytime, and any activity can be destressing time, as long as you’re responsible and meet all your quotas tomorrow.

5. Take that break

There’s nothing wrong with taking a breather right after those long meetings or taking a short pause every after work is done. When a call is done, or you’ve passed a paper, close your eyes for a bit, listen to one song, share a post on your socials. Trust me, you won’t really get much work done in 3-5 minutes of taking that break, so go for it, small steps can often have a long impact.

6. Set up boundaries

This may seem like a simple and straightforward solution but can go a really long way. If you’re working from home this tip might just be for you. Inside a bedroom, it’s important to determine the things that we do. We rest on our bed, and work at our personal working spaces. It is important that you do not work or do anything else besides rest on your bed.

Now if you don’t have personal working space, try at least to make one at any part of your house to set up where you work, and where you rest so your mind won’t be confused as to what you should do when you’re in this location. Not only that, but setting up spatial boundaries also helps manage your time, as you know when you enter the room, it’s time to rest, and call it a day.

Personal care is almost as important as your productivity. Remember that in a company of thousands of employees, you’re just a gear in that big machinery, but to your family, and friends, you are definitely irreplaceable so be sure to take care of yourself and there is no such thing as going too far for personal care.


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