What are Some Overlooked Yet Impactful Areas of UX Design that you Need to Know Now?


All of us more or less know the importance of UX design for our websites. There are plenty of people who are continuously working on improving the UX of the sites, but not all sites are getting that much popularity that they deserve. But there is more than one thing that most UX designers tend to overlook while following the most popular nooks and corners of the UX designs. But those overlooked areas are also important for the success of your website. What are those areas? Have a look.

What are Some Overlooked Yet Impactful Areas of UX Design that you Need to Know Now

1. User-friendliness

While making the site more attractive and approaching, designers often forget to look at the area of user-friendliness. However, the appeal and look of your website are not enough if it fails to give your audiences that ease of operating if you are not making it user-friendly.

Your website can be beautiful, but it can suddenly drop your number of visitors if it is not working properly for your users. This is why it is very important to maintain a user-friendly approach with your UX, which can help your audiences to connect very easily with your site. You can avail yourself of services from a UX agency to get user-friendly UX designs for your site.

2. Innovation and up-gradation

One thing that you must keep in your mind is, you are never done with your UX designing. You have to continue with evolving it from time to time. The trend and up-gradation keep taking place in the world of the web. Thus to keep your site upgraded with the ongoing trend and to help your audiences to find value in your site over time, you must be continuously working on your UX. Performing time-to-time UX audits can be very useful. Doing some small tweaks and improving the visual aspect with better elements can help you better.

3. Unique elements

When you make a website, you automatically put yourself in a position of competition. There are more than millions of sites that are trying to rank on the SERPs. This is why it is highly important to add something unique in your UX, which serves your users the answer to why they should choose you.

You need to have something in your UX design that can help you to stand out significantly. Whether it is an eye-catchy design or it is a very simple yet touchy welcoming note, anything can be the USP of your UX. All you need to do is find out what works best for you.

4. 404 errors

If you are a beginner in the field of UX designing, then there are maximum chances that you will overlook the importance of 404 errors to your UX. Also, the 404 page is one of the most challenging ones.

As a designer, you can have very creative yet impactful freedom here. While the appearance of the 404 errors can be irritating for your visitors, you can turn it into a way of apologizing to your visitors. A simple solution that you can use is, put the 404 at the middle of the page and explain briefly to your readers how sorry you are for such inconveniences.

5. Empty search pages

The empty search pages are one of the most important areas in your UX design. While designing an eCommerce website or something similar, you must keep in mind that the search pages are equally important.

Adding more designs for filters and working properly on how the products will appear in the form of a layout grid can help you in various ways to add better values to your website.

6. Offering style guides

While some designers often forget or overlook the necessity of the style guides on the site, they are one of the most important areas to look at. The style guides offer the user a very customized and personalized way of experiencing your site, which can make them happier.


While you are designing your site, you need to make sure that you are focusing on all the important aspects of your UX, which are highly important to retain your visitors to your site. Overlooking the above-mentioned area may not seem effective at the beginning, but it can affect your site in the long term.


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