Is $100 Enough to Start Investing?


Investing is only a rich man’s game, right? Wrong! Read on to find out how you can start investing with just $100 and make huge profits!


Do you want to build long-term wealth for yourself and meet most of your financial goals? Well, all you need to do is to start investing. And contrary to what most people think, you do not need to be a millionaire or own stacks of assets to be able to invest wisely. In fact, even with as little as $100, you can start a successful investment business in the stock market.

Is $100 Enough to Start Investing

However, it is not just any stock market investment that will earn the profits you are looking for. Instead, you need to invest in the best stock picking service to grow your portfolio. Consider three highly recommended options in the stock market that can generate you high incomes with little capital investment:

Contribute to Your 401(k)

This is one of the easiest ways to start venturing into the stock market. Most companies and business firms have this program in their business settings, where new workers are automatically enrolled in it. So if your company offers this plan, you most probably have access to the account, regardless of whether you have contributed anything.

The 401(k) plan offers several investment options that you can choose from. You can invest any amount that you would like, even $100 or less. With 401(k), you can either make a one-time, lump-sum investment or work with automatic contributions that allow you to invest a set amount of money at a scheduled time.

And if you do not have access to any 401(k) program, you can always consider investing in IRAs. These are similar to 401(k)s and do not require much capital to start.

Invest in Index ETFs

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are investments that include many stocks (from dozens to hundreds of stocks) and track particular stock market indices. ETF investments feature all similar stocks to the indices they track.

If you are the sort that prefers having low-maintenance investments and more control over your portfolios, investing in index ETFs would be the best option for you. And there is a wide range of index ETFs that you can choose from, including niche funds used to track specific industries and broad-market funds, such as S&P 500 ETFs. With so many investment options, you can also choose to create your own personalized investment portfolio.

When you invest in ETFs and index funds, you take advantage of the existing market conditions and put yourself in a better place to make profits. In other words, with indexing and ETFs, you don’t really have to beat the market; you only need to maintain its success and effectiveness over the long haul.

Buy Fractional Shares

Fractional shares are recommended for business-oriented people who want to invest in individual stocks but do not have enough capital to buy total shares. Just like their name suggests, buying a fractional share of the stock means investing in only a smaller percentage of the whole shares. Also, fractional shares of stocks would represent a fraction of the overall profit or price.

Take, for instance, investing with Amazon. The stock trades for Amazon are sold for a little over $3,400 per share. However, you can still purchase fractional shares by buying just a tiny portion of Amazon stocks, even for a dollar!

In addition to allowing you to invest with little cash, fractional shares also offer a wide range of stock options that you can invest in. Therefore, instead of spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars on building a diverse portfolio, you can simply invest in at least 100 stocks for a mere $100.


Investing in the stock market generates more wealth for you, increases your overall net worth, and helps to secure your financial status during retirement. So, unless you want to miss out on all those benefits, you would do well to consider investing in the best stocks, as discussed in this article. Remember, all you need is just $100 or less, and you can still make huge profits and earn significant benefits from your low-cost investments.


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