How to Write an Outstanding Compare and Contrast Essay


Writing an outstanding compare and contrast essay is no easy feat. It takes time, effort, and research to craft an essay that effectively argues a point and provides strong evidence for its argument. In this article, we provide helpful guidance on how to write an effective compare and contrast essay, from planning your paper to outlining and drafting it. Read on to learn the techniques you need to create a successful compare and contrast essay!


In a compare and contrast essay, you are asked to look at two or more items and describe their similarities and differences. If you run short on deadline and don’t find time, you can look for online assistance by simply asking write my essay. You may be asked to compare and contrast two or more literary works, historical figures, theories, or scientific experiments.

The key to writing a successful compare and contrast essay is to choose two or more subjects that connect in a meaningful way. The purpose of a compare and contrast essay is not simply to point out how these things are different or the same, but rather to analyze the why behind the differences and/or the similarities. A good compare and contrast essay will help your readers understand why it’s useful or important to put these two subjects together.

There are several ways you can organize your compare and contrast essay. You can start by listing all of the similarities between your subjects, followed by all of the differences. Or, you could start with the most important similarity or difference first followed by others (most people find this to be an easier way to organize their thoughts). No matter which approach you choose, make sure that each body paragraph focuses on only one main point.

Once you have decided on your organizational strategy, you can write an outline for your paper using any number of methods. If you want a more traditional approach, consider using Roman numerals for your ideas (I., II., III., etc.). If you prefer a more visual approach, try brainstorming with Post-It notes or creating a mind map.

What is a Compare and Contrast Essay?

A compare and contrast essay is an academic paper that requires students to analyze two or more subjects by identifying their similarities and differences. This type of essay is often assigned in high school and college English classes as a way to teach students how to critically evaluate two pieces of writing, art, or any other type of content.

There are many different ways to approach a compare and contrast essay, but the most important part is to make sure that your thesis statement correctly reflects the purpose of your paper. For example, if you are comparing and contrasting two novels, your thesis might focus on how both books deal with the theme of loss. Alternatively, you could argue that one book is better than the other based on its treatment of a particular topic. No matter what you choose to write about, your goal should be to present a clear and concise argument that supports your overall point.

To get started, you will need to gather all of the information you have on both subjects that you wish to compare. This might include things like quotes, statistics, or other specific details. Once you have this information, start brainstorming potential topics for your essay. Once you have a few ideas in mind, try outlining your paper using either a traditional outline format or a more creative approach like mind mapping. This will help you organize your thoughts and decide on a structure for your paper.

Once you have everything planned out, it’s time to start writing! Begin by introducing your readers to the subjects

Steps to Writing an Outstanding Compare and Contrast Essay

There are a few key things that you need to do in order to write an outstanding compare and contrast essay. First, you need to choose your topic carefully. Make sure that you are choosing two things that have enough in common to be compared, but also enough differences to make the comparison interesting. Once you have your topic, it’s time to start brainstorming. Make a list of all of the similarities and differences between your two topics. Once you have your list, it’s time to start writing. Begin by introducing your topic and then listing the similarities and differences between the two subjects. Be sure to include specific examples to illustrate your points. Finally, conclude your essay by restating your thesis and highlighting the most important points from your essay.

– Step 1: Choose Your Subjects

Assuming you’re in high school and are taking the traditional route of 4 English classes, 3 Math classes, 3 Science classes, 3 Social Studies classes, and 1 Foreign Language class, you have some freedom in choosing your remaining 2 electives. If you’re not sure what you want to do with your life yet and are trying to keep your options open, choose academic subjects that will give you a well-rounded education. For example, if you’re interested in business or medicine, take economics and/or biology. If you want to be an engineer or scientist, take physics and/or chemistry. These are just examples–work with your guidance counselor to come up with a plan that’s best for you and will help you get into the college of your choice.

– Step 2: Brainstorm Similarities and Differences

Before you start writing your essay, it is important to brainstorm similarities and differences between the two subjects you are comparing. This will help you determine what points to focus on in your essay.

To brainstorm similarities and differences, you can use a Venn diagram. Draw two overlapping circles and label them with the topics you are comparing. In the overlapping area, list the similarities between the two topics. Outside of the overlapping area, list the differences between the two topics.

Another way to brainstorm is to create a list of similarities and differences. For each point of similarity or difference, ask yourself why it matters. What does this similarity or difference tell us about the two subjects? This will help you determine which points are most important to include in your essay.

– Step 3: Create an Outline

After you have chosen your topic, it is time to create an outline. This will help you organize your thoughts and structure your essay in a way that flows logically.

There are two ways to format a compare and contrast essay:

  • Point-by-point: In this method, you will discuss each similarity and difference in turn. For example, if you are comparing and contrasting two novels, you may discuss how both authors use symbolism to depict the main characters’ journey.
  • Block: In this method, you will discuss all of the similarities in one body paragraph and then all of the differences in another body paragraph. For example, you may discuss how both novels take place in different centuries and explore different themes.

Whichever format you choose, make sure that each point is given its own paragraph so that your essay is easy to read and understand.

– Step 4: Write the Introduction

The introductory paragraph is perhaps the most important part of your essay. It is here that you introduce your topic and give your reader an idea of what to expect from the rest of the paper. A good introduction should be interesting and should give the reader a good understanding of what the essay is about.

You might want to start your introduction with a brief story or an anecdote that illustrates the point you want to make. You could also start with a question that will get your reader thinking about the topic. Whichever approach you choose, make sure that your introduction captures the attention of your reader and gives them a good sense of what the essay is about.

– Step 5: Write the Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs are where you will start to develop your argument. You will want to have at least three body paragraphs, each with a different focus. For example, if you are comparing and contrasting two different historical figures, you might have one body paragraph devoted to each person’s early life, another devoted to their accomplishments, and a third devoted to their personality.

No matter what focus you choose for your body paragraphs, make sure that each one includes both similarities and differences. Don’t just list the ways in which the two subjects are similar or different; use those similarities and differences to build your argument.

When writing your body paragraphs, it can be helpful to start with the subject that is easiest for you to write about. That way, you can get all of your thoughts down on paper before moving on to the more challenging task of crafting a well-argued comparison.

Once you have written all of your body paragraphs, take a step back and review what you have written. Make sure that each paragraph flows smoothly into the next, and that your overall argument is clear and easy to follow. If necessary, add transitional sentences between paragraphs to ensure that your reader can follow your train of thought.

– Step 6: Write the Conclusion

The conclusion of your compare and contrast essay should summarize the main points of your paper and emphasize the differences between the two subjects. You can also include a brief discussion of the implications of your findings.

Tips for Writing a Great Compare and Contrast Essay

There are several tips that can help you write a great compare and contrast essay. First, you need to choose two subjects that you can compare and contrast. Make sure that these two subjects are different enough so that you can find meaningful differences between them. Once you have chosen your subjects, you need to brainstorm the similarities and differences between them. This can be done by creating a Venn diagram or by simply listing the similarities and differences in a table. Once you have brainstormed the similarities and differences between your two subjects, you need to decide how you will organize your essay. There are two common ways to organize a compare and contrast essay: by subject or by point. If you choose to organize your essay by subject, you will discuss all of the similarities between your two subjects in one body paragraph and then all of the differences in another body paragraph. If you choose to organize your essay by point, you will discuss each similarity and difference one at a time in separate body paragraphs. Whichever organizational method you choose, make sure to include transitional phrases in your essay so that it flows smoothly from one point to the next. Finally, don’t forget to proofread your essay before turning it in!


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