How to Promote Music in 2022


In addition to creative tasks, a musician or a group needs to be able to build communications and engage in marketing. Here even a cool label is powerless – the question is purely personal and strategic. Our tips will help you work more efficiently and feel more confident in the external environment.

How to Promote Music in 2022

There is not a word about production, recording and everything else related to writing music and songs in this article. Let’s talk about the external side – image, knowledge and promotion. About the main thing and specifically.

Make or order a cool design. This is the “clothes” of your music on the Internet

You only have a few seconds to convince a random user to listen to your tracks. Therefore, take seriously what the listener sees first of all – the cover.

Fill in the description of your social networks

Put yourself in the place of a person who knows nothing about you. He wants to understand in what genre you create, how you differ from other performers, or, conversely, who you are similar to. Write about participation in festivals, collaborations with other artists, interesting facts or a few key quotes. Be persuasive, but concise.

Write a good description for your album

This is important for at least two reasons. You need to tell a little about yourself and about the release – what it is about, how it was recorded and who you are. Get to know the listener. Buy Spotify playlist followers, add good keywords (hashtags) and promote organically. A small text of 10 sentences is what the administrators of public and Telegram channels will copy or quote in the future. Give them food for thought or a finished text. There will be more publications – it’s checked!

It is not necessary to have your own website

In 90% of cases, it will have low attendance and little interest from the audience. Ultimately, you may regret the time you spent building the site. It is important for musicians to increase the number of a permanent audience in social networks – to have close contact with them, feedback and organic dissemination of new work.

To publish a discography (even in wav), I advise you to register a page on Bandcamp and use it as an “archive of your own music” – there are no restrictions on disk space, but there is billing and a reliable infrastructure.

Release content regularly

Writing tracks and albums is not a quick process. But returning to the community once every six months is also not the case. This is how you lose both old and new subscribers. Post at least twice a week. What can be published? Here are some ideas: videos from rehearsals; videos or texts from the life of group members; interesting facts about the group; memories of creating songs or their lyrics; announcements of meetings of new performances; musical selections; household or concert photos.


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