Make Your Trek the Adventure it Should be by Taking What You Need


Deciding to go on a trek or hiking trip is awesome, you’ve made your choice and the excitement begins as you think about all the things you could do whilst on your mini adventure. You can rent a vehicle at to minimize your stress in going to your destination. There is the question though of, what will you take? The easy answer is to only take what you absolutely need, the essentials will mean that you shouldn’t be in need of something that you don’t have and also mean that you aren’t burdened with crap you don’t need.

Make Your Trek the Adventure it Should be by Taking What You Need

Essential hiking and camping gear

You’ll want to take a lightweight one or two-person tent if you’re going overnight, a sleeping bag suitable for the weather, hiking poles for extra support, an all-in-one cooking stove with gas and utensils, a bowl and a cup would be a good idea too. You can even get all in one multi tool gadgets that have a knife and fork, bottle opener etc, take one of those for sure.

You’ll need enough food to keep you going, packets would be best and make sure you take enough water to keep you going for the entire trip. The first thing on the list should have really been your waterproof dry bag so You can keep your smart phone and a power bank safe, you’ll want to take a map and compass too, as a back-up, skin protection depending on where you are going including a small first aid kit and small toiletry kit in case you get caught short.

Clothing to wear

Walking attire may include boots or shoes, socks, shorts or trousers, a sports t-shirt, and a long-sleeved base layer (see tips below). If you need glasses, then you should wear them and take a protective case, if you’re only going for a few days, you could easily wear the same outfits the entire time. If you intend to travel for an extended period of time, bring a few spare clothes with you.

Safety/practical gear

If you are going somewhere where it may rain or the weather could change at any moment, then you will want to be prepared. Taking the following items with you, aren’t a necessity but, can help.

  • Spare socks, pants
  • Gloves and hat
  • Lightweight insulated jacket
  • Waterproof jacket
  • Waterproof trousers

Some useful tips

If you’re hiking with a friend, divide and share some of your gear. A two-person tent, for example, can be divided into two rucksacks, and while one person can bring a stove, the other can bring extra food or water.

Wear a natural wool base layer, pants, and socks that are breathable and quick drying, they also tend to be less stinky when worn for extended periods of time. It means you’ll require fewer spares.

If you want to keep your rucksack light, there is no need to take an extra pair of camping shoes with you, you can leave them at home. Take two light plastic supermarket bags instead, put your feet inside the bags after changing your socks after a day of walking and then put on wet/damp walking boots or shoes. The socks will keep your feet warm and the bags will stop your boots or footwear getting your socks wet. Find more camping tips on this article form Proper Good.


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