How to Grow Cannabis at Home Indoors or Outdoors


Cannabis growers have the option to grow their plants indoors or outdoors. The plants can thrive in both mediums and produce larger buds. When growing the plants, several factors must be considered, and the grower will make a choice based on their circumstances. If they live in an area where Cannabis theft is likely, they may want to grow their plants indoors. If they don’t want a large crop, they could set up the plants in their existing garden.

How to Grow Cannabis at Home Indoors or Outdoors

Steps for Growing Indoors:

When growing Cannabis indoors, the grower will need proper equipment for their grow room. First, they need to set up a grow light if they aren’t using auto-flowering seeds. The light shouldn’t be more than 36 inches from the plants.

Their grow room should be secure and have an adequate lock to keep others out of it. The plants need at least 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of darkness to thrive.

They need trays or pots for growing the plants in nutrient-rich soil. They will need different pots ranging from 2 inches to 10 inches for each growth cycle of the plants. Once the plant is too large for a pot, the grower needs to upgrade the pot. If they want to grow Cannabis indoors, the grower needs to keep these pots in a nearby location for easier access.

Adding Nutrients to the Plants

The grow room should be equipped with nutrients the plants need throughout the growth cycles. Phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen will be needed at different growth stages. The grower must have these nutrients handy to add to the plants each week. The nutrients give the plants plenty of food to help the plants stay healthy and thrive as expected.

Use Glass Containers for the Buds

When harvesting the buds, experts recommend placing the buds in glass containers to protect their potency and prevent the plants from overdrying. The grower can cure the Cannabis and store it for up to two years.

Steps for Growing Outdoors

The grower can grow their Cannabis plants outside in their garden. The first step is to find a location where the plants get 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of darkness. Next, they will plant their seeds in the garden away from the other plants. Cannabis plants can become quite larger than other plants and need plenty of space.

Once the seeds are planted, the grower will need to monitor the plants and water them according to a schedule. The growth cycles define how often and how much the grower should water their plants.

They will add nutrients to the Cannabis plants along with their other plants. Some growers may want to add an irrigation system to ensure that the plants have a steady flow of water and nutrients.

Outdoor plants will need far more pest control treatments, and the grower can use products for all their plants to control pests. Pesticides should be applied during each growth cycle to keep pests at bay and away from the plants. The growers can treat all plants at the same time to decrease the time needed for these tasks.

Cannabis growers can cultivate their crops indoors or outdoors according to their current needs. Each option could produce larger plants with extraordinary buds. If the grower wants a larger crop, they could set up a large grow room for their plants and start finding cannabis seeds online.


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