Considerations for Living Off-Grid in an RV


There are lots of little choices you can make to live a more sustainable life, but what about living off-grid in an RV? Can you live off-grid in an RV, and if so, what considerations do you need to take into account? Taking your life on the road, and moving away from a more traditional existence, is a decision that should be thought about (and planned where possible). When you plan your life change, you can ensure that the switch takes place as easily and as smoothly as possible. So, what do you need to start thinking about, and what considerations should be factored into your move?

Considerations for Living Off-Grid in an RV

Size and Type of RV

The size and the type of RV are critical to your decision. For example, if you are a family of four or five and you are living in an RV permanently, the size of RV you will need to go for will be much greater than, say, a solo traveler or even a couple with a pet. If you do not go for an RV that matches the size of your family, then you will struggle to achieve the level of comfort you need and want. Also, think about the type of RV.Do you want a longer RV that is more like a bus, or are you going for a shorter but wider model?

New or Second Hand?

Even though your budget will probably predetermine whether you go for new or second hand, you still need to make the decision. New RVs cost a lot more than second-hand models, but in return, they perhaps offer more stability and reliability than a used or second-hand model. If you choose to go down the second-hand route, then you need to look at previous usage. For example, do the kilometers on the clock match its age, and is it in good condition (both externally and internally) for its age? If the condition is not great, and it is more of a fixer-upper, you also need to consider RV storage parking for when your RV is off the road.

Taking Care of Basic Needs

When you live on the road in an RV, you need to ensure that your basic needs are met. For example, if you have nowhere to store your food, cooking utensils, or clothes, then you will struggle to enjoy the change to your way of life. Taking care of basic needs first and foremost and ensuring that you have somewhere to wash, clean, eat, and sleep is essential.

Electricity and Power Generation

Your power needs and usage will depend on how you want to live. For example, if you need to work from home, you will need to ensure you have a stable supply of power. Whereas if you are just using power to cook, a smaller generator may be fit for the purpose.

Water and Waste

Carefully consider just where you will get your water from and how you will dispose of your waste. You cannot carry too much water with you on your travels as this would cost you more in fuel, and similarly, you cannot carry waste on-board for long periods as this would be unhealthy and unsanitary.


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