Four Things You Didn’t Know About Flame Resistant Products


The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) defines a flame-resistant product as one that “will not propagate fire or release flammable vapors when exposed to a standard flame test.” This is an important definition because it means that you base your choice of clothing on how safe the fabric is.

Four Things You Didnt Know About Flame Resistant Products

The Singapore Society for Testing Materials (SSTM) has developed standards for determining if something qualifies as flame-resistant. For example, there are three levels of protection: A1, A2, and B. These levels refer to the amount of time needed before fabric will start burning after coming into contact with a match. This blog post discusses four things you may not know about Flame Resistant Products.

Third-Party Testing

A fire retardant product will need to go through testing by a third-party accredited lab to be certified. This will ensure that you can trust the flame-resistant product.

Test the flame-resistant clothing by exposing it to a flame and seeing how long it takes before the flame penetrates the fabric.

The primary standard for SSTM standards is that a flame-resistant product will need to go through testing by a third-party accredited lab for it to be certified. This is an essential step because, without this certification, you cannot know that your clothing is flame retardant!

The Clothing Must Pass Specific Tests of Burning and Smouldering and the Maximum Oxygen Index Test

To be flame resistant, the clothing cannot burn or melt when exposed to flame. It must also not release any flammable vapors into the air.

In other words, there needs to be zero smolderings. This means that your choice of flame retardant clothing should reflect your safety concerns and what you find most flame resistant. Obtain these products, visit or click this link

Flame Clothing Labeling

Producers may also label the clothes with other terms such as “flame resistant,” “flame retardant,” or “treated for flame resistance.”

Some of these labels include but are not limited to NFPA 2112, Standard on Flame-Resistant Garments for Protection Against Flash Fire; CGSB 155.20-M86, Standard Practice for Flame-Resistant Textiles; and CGSB 155.44-92, and Standard Specification for Flame Resistant (FR) Apparel Fabrics.

These labels are important because they provide you with flame-resistant designation and ensure that your clothing is safe to wear. The flame retardant fabric must also have a “maximum oxygen index” of 28 or more, which means it has low flame spread potential (the speed at which flame can travel).

This is especially important if there are any flammable materials near the flame-resistant clothing.

Buying and Storage

You should also have a written record of what flame retardant fabric is in your flame-resistant clothing, as well as the name and contact information for whoever supplied it to you. In addition, make sure that there are no chemicals on or near your flame-resistant clothes; otherwise, it could pose serious health risks.

Bottom line

If you plan to shop for flame-resistant clothing, make sure that you buy a certified flame-resistant product like at PDS online shopping link for flame-resistant products. Contact a reliable third-party lab to ensure that the flame retardant products you want to purchase meet all of these standards. Do not forget about looking at our selection of flame-resistant fabrics when making your flame-resistant clothing buying decisions.


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