6 Reasons Why Eating More Fruits & Veggies Matters


Have you ever evaluated your diet or tried to know how much and what types of nutrients you are getting? The answer is probably no. This article will help you to evaluate your diets and will tell the importance of fruits and veggies.

6 Reasons Why Eating More Fruits & Veggies Matters

Modern lifestyle considerably changed the diet of most people. Restaurant non-veg foods entirely set out vegetables and fruits. Watching Netflix with a handful of chicken wings and burgers is now a fashion. But what about health? Just try to remember when you last ate a bowl of chopped mixed fruits or a dish of leafy vegetables. The majority will go one month back, and that is the reality.

Now let us find out why fruits and vegetables are non-negotiable, and you should eat them more.

The six reasons to eat more fruits and fiber

Doctors and dietitians are always trying to establish fruits and vegetables first in the diet list. Let’s check the reasons behind such a recommendation.

1. More Nutrients

Fruits and veggies like apples, pears, guavas, papayas, leeches, banana, strawberry, avocado, cucumber, watermelon, tomato, leafy greens, peas, cabbages, cauliflower, onions, beans, and etcetera are rich sources of vitamin A, B, C, potassium, magnesium, irons, and many important minerals. There may be some fruits or vegetables that you may not get in the market but try to include them as much as possible. These fruits and veggies fulfill most of the important nutrients a human body needs regularly.

2. Low Calorie

Vegetables and fruits are low in calories and. So you do not have to worry about extra calories or fat. As a result, one can eat more without being worried about getting overweight. Fat people, and especially women with postpartum weight, must add a lot of fruits and veggies as it reduces cravings with marginal side effects. Craving resists unwanted eating and calorie intake. So one can easily monitor their performance.

3. High Fiber

Fresh fruits and vegetables are rich sources of fiber. Fiber is accountable for less cardiovascular disease and severe indigestion. Being less in calorie fiber helps to reduce cravings. As a result, you consume fewer foods and unknowingly maintain a fit and healthy body. Fiber also increases the microbiomes in the guts providing a high metabolism.

4. Prevent Disease

Studies and experts’ perspectives at https://www.healthcanal.com/nutrition/balance-of-nature-review show that the right amount of fiber intake regularly prevents some of the deadly chronic diseases like cancer and type 2 diabetics. People with chronic constipation will also get unimaginable results as insoluble fiber creates a kind of jelly in the colon, which makes it easy for the stool to pass out. Fiber also reduces LDL cholesterol and improves the cardiovascular muscle.

Apart from that, the chances of developing diseases like high blood pressure, hemorrhoids, and fistula get reduced.

5. Good Health

Lots of fiber in food on a regular basis provides good health. If you take fiber daily, you will feel more energetic and fit physically and mentally. Unlike junk and processed foods, fiber does not contain any sugar, salt, or saturated fat.

6. Minimal Time and Maximum Result with Better Taste

Unlike roasted chicken or mutton, fruit takes less time. Just wash it and eat. You may chop it or make juice out of the fruits. Whichever is convenient. In the case of vegetables, you can boil them at medium and add a little bit of salt and olive oil for taste. You can even eat them raw. Fruits and veggies are great choices for different tastes. One will not feel bored.

Doctors and dietitians always promote fruits and vegetables as a healthy diet. According to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines of America, one of the two food plates should be filled with fruits and veggies. Fiber decreases obesity and cardiovascular diseases, and its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant ingredients strengthen the immune system and prevent the body from harmful viruses, bacterias, and fungus attacks.

How much fiber should I take?

As per the doctor’s recommendation, an adult man must take thirty to fifty grams of fiber daily, whereas a woman needs 25 to 30 grams of protein regularly. It’s not necessary or recommended to take thirty grams of fiber at once. You can spread it throughout your meals.

Final words

As Lindsey Desoto, RDN, LD, said in an article, fiber is one of the most important diets which does not have any alternative. As of now, many of us know that fiber reduces obesity, LDL cholesterol, heart disease, constipation, etc. But fiber also reduces the oxidative stress induced by exercise.

Fiber being too nutritious cannot be overtaken. Otherwise, one may vomit or have loose motion. Consult with your doctor and get a personalized diet chart for fiber.


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