3 Things You Need to Sort Out Before You Move Overseas


The world is opening up again, and because businesses are becoming more global, there are likely to be a lot of people moving overseas to live the expat lifestyle. But moving overseas isn’t easy, even if you’re young and single, and there are a lot of things you’ll need to sort out before you go. Here’s a list to get you started.

3 Things You Need to Sort Out Before You Move Overseas

1. Schooling

Moving overseas with kids can be more difficult than moving as a single person or couple, as you want to keep things stable for them and don’t want their lives to be interrupted too much. Expats should look for a British international school in Bangkok and get their child’s place sorted out before they arrive. Some places have a long waiting list, so you’ll need to know their start date, otherwise, you may end up without a place when you arrive.

Some parents may look at other solutions when they’re waiting for a school place. Local schools can be an option, although this isn’t the best choice if your child isn’t fluid in the local language. Temporary home-schooling is also an option. Whatever you choice, continuity is key, as childhood learning is important for future success. That’s why it’s important for kids not to miss too much school during the moving process.

2. A place to live

Some expats arrive in a new country and end up in a hotel or Airbnb, but ultimately, this gets you off on the wrong foot. This is because it can feel more like a holiday, so you don’t settle in and start properly living in your new country for a while. It can also mean you burn through your budget much more quickly. You should contact some estate agents before you arrive, perhaps opting for a short-term let for the first few months, then looking at longer term lets or buying a place.

3. Your job and visa

Before you start packing your bags to take up a fabulous job opportunity, you need to think about:

  • The amount of salary on offer versus living expenses
  • Benefits you’ll get such as paid accommodation
  • What’ll happen if you lose your job – will you be able to get another one in your new country?
  • Whether the company will sponsor you for a visa

Lots of people become expats and then realise they haven’t thought things through, so might regret it. At the very least, you should learn more about non-immigrant visas to see whether you’ll be relying on your work for sponsorship and whether you can settle permanently in the long term.

Being an expat can be a fun experience and open up a whole new world. But it can also be a difficult adjustment, and you need to have a plan in place before you board the plane. From the right school to a place to live, if you organise things while you’re still in your home country, the process is much less stressful. That way, you can simply start enjoying your new country when you arrive.


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