What You Need to Know to Achieve the Size You Want


We have all wanted to have a slimmer, more muscular physique. Some of us are determined to do anything possible to be that size, while others want a smaller size for clothing or health reasons. In either case, it’s an admirable goal that deserves your full attention and focus. The following article has some great tips on what you should know if you’re trying to maintain the size you want.

What You Need to Know to Achieve the Size You Want

1. The Basics

You have to know the basics of what you should be doing to stay in shape and make your shirt fit better. If you’re completely new to weight training and want to really get started, Start weight training.

The good news is that by knowing the basics, you’ll know exactly how far along your program is so you’re able to adjust it as needed. You’ll know how far along your body is with all its muscle mass, bone density and fat content.

2. Know Your Body and Its Limits

You need to know where you’re at so you can figure out what to do moving forward. For instance, most people don’t think about measuring their waist, arm circumference and other essential parts of their body to know how far along they are in sculpting it. To measure your body for a visual assessment of where you’re at, know how to measure your body.

3. Take Measurements Regularly

Getting your measurements done every month will help you know where you’re at and how quickly you’re reaching your goal. Measuring yourself every month will make it easier to track your progress and make adjustments if needed or desired.

4. Check Your Fat Percentage Regularly

You don’t want to be checking it daily because body fat fluctuates based on several factors including time of day, time of the month and what you’ve eaten recently. You can still take it once a week when you know you’ve eaten well. You can also run the tape at your gym to see where you stand compared to others.

5. Keep Yourself Safe from Injuries and Illness

If you have an injury, it’s best to have someone with medical expertise look at it and make suggestions for treatment. If you notice any unusual changes like pain or swelling after exercise, get them checked out but realize it could just be normal because of how your body reacts to exercise.

6. Be Patient and Stick with Your Routine

If you do want to get a slimmer waistline, it’ll take time. Even if they become repetitive and monotonous, you must continue your routines because they’re part of the process to get closer to your desired results. It doesn’t mean you can’t change something up in terms of exercises or movements depending on what is working for you but keep consistency in mind.

7. Watch Your Diet

It’s always easy to dieting and losing weight but that’s a definite guarantee for failure for many people because it’s hard to keep your eating habits consistent. Instead, it’s best to watch what you eat and make steady progress on the program that works best for you.

8. Get Help from Someone with Expertise in Weight Training and Nutrition If Needed/Desired

You can find instructors and experts who can help you learn what you need to get where you want to be, so don’t ever hesitate to reach out!

9. Know How Hard You Work Out Based On How Sore You Are or Feel Like Afterward

You should know if your muscles are getting ready to be sore or not because it matters in terms of how much you work out and how much rest is needed. You may have to adjust the amount of weight you’re using based on how sore your muscles are.

10. Know When to Take a Break

You shouldn’t feel guilty for taking a week off every once in a while because that’s part of keeping yourself focused and healthy so you can see results that last. You’ll also know if something isn’t working for you so there’s no guessing about what needs adjusting or changing.

11. Do Not Bite Off More Than You Can Chew or Have Time to Do

You don’t want to push yourself too hard, so it’s best to do what works best for you, even if it means stopping workouts early because your body just isn’t having it that day. You shouldn’t let the no pain, no gain mindset stop you from being productive in a different way if needed.

12. Know How to Add Workout Supplements and Other Dieting and Fitness Aids as Needed or Desired

Certain items can help speed up the process of getting fit on your own but make sure you know what works for you and what doesn’t. For example, people may decide on breast augmentation but for that, they should know the pros and cons of breast augmentation. You also don’t want to mess around with getting any illegal items that could get you in trouble with the law.

13. Understand Your Body’s Strengths and Weaknesses

Even if you’re doing everything right, you might need to adjust some things based on your body’s reaction or feedback to exercise. If a certain exercise doesn’t feel comfortable, it might be best to switch it up.

14. Check Yourself Out When Practicing Proper Posture to Minimize Back Pain

If you’re working out right and eating right, your back should feel great but if you notice it hurting even after taking breaks during exercises, check your posture because it could be the cause of the pain.

15. Utilize Other Methods of Relieving Tension Beside Exercise

You don’t have to exercise every day to relieve mental tension and other physical ailments, so if you want to keep your body and mind relaxed, it’s best to do more than work out.

16. Keep A Journal with You at All Times

You can record notes based on the advice you’ve received or suggestions from others who know more about fitness or nutrition than you do. Keep a record of your measurements and how you feel daily regarding your overall progress. Adjust accordingly if necessary or desired.

17. Keep an Open Mind

You shouldn’t be closed to anything that could potentially benefit you or get you where you want to be. Whether it’s a new exercise, program, diet or supplement, give it a try instead of the old standby that hasn’t been working for quite some time now.

18. Don’t Get Discouraged by People Who Don’t Support What You’re Trying to Do

Many people have their own opinions as well as their ways of getting fit and losing weight so if they are giving you unwanted advice or negative feedback, ignore them because they aren’t going to help you reach your goals any faster.

As you can see, there are many ways to get and stay fit on your own but you must listen to your body and react accordingly. Keep a workout journal to check yourself and make adjustments based on what is working for you and what isn’t. Avoid doing anything about fitness that could get you hurt and keep an open mind as people will always have advice but don’t let it discourage or distract you from getting in shape.


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