What to Expect on Your Trip to the Rodeo


A trip to the rodeo with friends and family can be an exciting outing filled with thrills and incredible displays of athleticism by two and four-legged athletes engaged in death-defying feats. But, first-time attendees can be intimidated, may have questions or concerns, and are often unsure of what to expect. Attending a rodeo is a different experience than attending a ball game or other athletic event, so keep reading to learn what to expect on your trip to the rodeo.

What to Expect on Your Trip to the Rodeo

Be Prepared

Traffic and other unexpected delays can turn the fun and excitement of going to the rodeo into a stress-filled exercise in frustration. Fortunately, most event organizers have websites providing important information about The Georgia Rodeo and specific information about the venue. Taking a few moments to confirm the details about the show, such as the date, time, and exact location, can eliminate headaches on the event day.

Sunscreen and bug spray are excellent ideas since the action usually takes place in the outdoors, and allergy medication is a must for those who are likely to be exposed to triggers. Rodeos typically last two to three hours, so a stadium seat or cushion can make you more comfortable and allow you to enjoy the show.

Rodeo Events

Working with livestock and wild animals can be unpredictable, but most rodeos offer similar events in the same order. Flag girls usually kick off the evening by circling the arena at a slow gallop while carrying the flag of the state. A singer or the National Anthem may accompany her. After this ceremony, the rodeo announcer states the events for the evening, which usually begin with roping and end with bull riding.

Calf and Team Roping

The goal of calf roping is for the mounted rider to lasso the calf around the neck, dismount their horse, and tie three of the calf’s legs together. The rider must accomplish this feat as quickly as possible, as they are judged and ranked by their time. Team roping events involve two riders that must synchronize their movements to take down the calf. The first roper ropes the front of the calf, while the second roper ropes the hind legs.

Barrel Racing

Barrel racing is much like a typical horse race but with several added hairpin turns to electrify the crowd. The point of barrel racing is for the horse and rider to run a set cloverleaf pattern in the fastest possible time. Remaining mounted on a horse as it makes multiple sharp turns takes tremendous balance and strength. Although males and females compete in barrel racing at the youth level, during the rodeo, this fan-favorite event is for women only.

Bull Riding

Bull riding has been called the “most dangerous 8 seconds in sports” for good reason. The sport of bull riding involves the rider attempting to stay on the back of a 2,000-pound bucking bull doing everything in its power to throw the rider off its back. The rider must remain on the back of the bull, secured by one hand, for eight seconds to receive a score.

A fall off the bull can quickly end in disaster for riders, as they can be trampled or attacked by a charging bull, resulting in career-ending or even fatal injuries. Due, at least in part, to the danger involved, bull riding is often the most popular event at the rodeo.


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