Hiring Security for a Special Event: How to Get Started


Planning an event requires close attention to detail. The individual responsible for organizing the event must find a venue that is safe and suitable for the activities that will take place. In many situations, the planner will need security to ensure the safety of all who take part, particularly when there will be many attendees. Conventions, trade shows, concerts, and political speeches serve as a few occasions when security will be necessary. What should a person consider when hiring security for a special event?

Hiring Security for a Special Event: How to Get Started


Outline the duties of the security team for the event in question. Will they be asked to take on crowd control when securing a special event? Crime deterrence serves as one reason an event planner may hire security, with theft prevention being another. Guest protection, however, often sits at the top of the list of reasons to bring in a security team. Regardless of why an event host opts to bring in this team, the cost is easily offset by the benefits of having the team on site.


The event planner must determine whether they need armed or unarmed security. Professional security officers undergo training to ensure they know how to handle a variety of situations. In addition, they must get a license and the necessary insurance. Nevertheless, clients choose whether they wish to have these individuals armed or if they would feel better knowing they weren’t carrying weapons.

When the threat level remains low, most clients opt for unarmed guards. However, in high-risk situations, armed guards serve as the better option. Before carrying a firearm, a security officer must fulfill all state licensing requirements and complete firearm training. This ensures they act appropriately when dealing with a threat.


Event hosts should expect to pay more for experience when hiring a security team. For example, many companies in the industry employ retired police officers or individuals with prior military experience. The training they underwent during their employment with the armed forces or law enforcement ensures they know what to do when they are the first to respond to a threat. As a result, they come at a higher cost, one the security firm passes on to the client. However, the event planner receives peace of mind, knowing they are doing everything possible to keep event attendees safe.


Event planners must learn whether the venue requires security for events. The venue may dictate the number of security guards required based on the number of attendees. Venues take this step to reduce liability while minimizing the risk of a lawsuit. The event host needs this information before employing a security firm to ensure the firm can provide the required number of guards.

Event Size

If the venue doesn’t require security, the event planner may still wish to employ a team of professionals to oversee security. Larger events require more officers to ensure all attendees remain protected. In addition to officers tasked with crowd control, the event host should consider having enough guards to cover every building exit along with a guard for each room in the venue the event guests will be using. Don’t overlook Error! when planning the event, as they help to keep intruders out.

Consider increasing the number of guards if alcohol will be served. This ensures all guests remain safe, even if one or more attendees become intoxicated and cause issues. Additional officers ensure every guest receives adequate protection in this situation.

Don’t overlook the above factors when hiring a security team for an event. The event host cannot be too careful. Any money spent on this team is easily recouped, as the guards serve as a deterrent to crime and other nefarious activities. Guests can relax and enjoy themselves, knowing they aren’t in danger thanks to the security team watching over them.


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