A Simple, Easy Guide To Normal Blood Sugar Levels Chart


The blood sugar range is something most individuals with diabetes should know. We have seen many reasons why someone might need help controlling their diabetes or care for someone who has diabetes or has already been diagnosed with diabetes. This article will explain in detail what normal blood sugar levels are and how to test your blood sugar levels!

A Simple, Easy Guide To Normal Blood Sugar Levels Chart

What is a normal blood sugar level chart?

The normal blood sugar levels chart is a graphical representation of normal blood sugar levels. This chart illustrates the range of values that are considered normal and also gives you an idea of what your average blood sugar level should be.

The normal range for blood glucose is between 70 and 110 mg/dL.

There are two main reasons why someone’s glucose level can be outside this range:

  1. They have diabetes – their pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or their body’s cells don’t respond to the insulin when it comes into contact with them.
  2. They are fasting – they haven’t eaten anything since midnight.

What Are Normal Blood Sugar Levels?

Normal blood sugar levels are based on the cumulative effects of food, exercise, stress and medications.

Blood sugar is the amount of glucose (sugar) in your blood. It’s measured using a blood glucose meter. Normal blood sugar levels are between 70 and 100 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL).

What’s normal for you depends on a number of factors, including age, gender, weight and the medications you’re taking.

The hormone insulin regulates blood sugar. The body converts that food into glucose when you eat food containing carbohydrates.

A person’s normal blood sugar level can vary slightly depending on age, gender and other factors such as physical activity and food intake. In general, it should be between 70 and 120 mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter) after meals and between 60 and 100 mg/dL before meals.

The goal of treating diabetes is to bring it under control and prevent complications such as heart disease and stroke, kidney disease, eye conditions and amputations.

Diabetes affects how your body uses glucose (also known as sugar), a simple form of energy needed for normal bodily functions. If you have diabetes, your body doesn’t produce or use insulin properly because it can’t use insulin properly. This means that high blood sugar levels are often present in your system.

To control these high blood sugar levels, you must take medications that help your body process glucose correctly and eat food that lower blood sugar.

Check for normal blood sugar levels chart to keep track of diabetes. Hyperglycemia can lead to symptoms such as tiredness even after sleeping well; blurred vision; dry mouth; irritability; increased appetite; thirst, and confusion/dizziness.

Long-Term Impact of Having Too Much Sugar in Your Blood

The long-term impact of too much sugar in your blood can lead to diabetes, a serious and chronic disease affecting people of all ages. It’s estimated that 1.25 million Americans have been diagnosed with diabetes, and nearly half of the U.S. population could be at risk for developing it in their lifetime.

Diabetes is a condition where the body doesn’t produce enough insulin or doesn’t use it effectively, which leads to high levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood — a condition called hyperglycemia. The more common type, type 2 diabetes, occurs when the body doesn’t respond properly to insulin. At the same time, type 1 diabetes occurs when the pancreas stops producing insulin because an infection or autoimmune disease damages it.

Hyperglycemia can lead to serious health conditions, including heart disease, stroke and nerve damage, and an increased risk of kidney failure and blindness due to diabetes retinopathy (photoreceptor cell death).

In addition to causing one of these life-threatening conditions, hyperglycemia can cause other conditions like weight gain and poor circulation, leading to more serious complications.

Long-term complications are more likely to develop for those with high blood sugar, including:

Ageing of the body: As your organs age, they need more energy to function properly. When your body can’t get enough glucose and insulin, it makes up for this deficit by breaking down muscle tissue and burning fat. This leads to a gradual loss of lean body mass and other serious health conditions like heart disease and diabetes.

Kidney disease: Too much sugar in your blood can lead to kidney damage over time, resulting in kidney failure and even death.

Thyroid conditions: High blood sugar also impacts your thyroid gland — a small gland at the base of your neck that controls metabolism and regulates how fast your cells use energy from food and oxygen to do their work. Suppose you have consistently high blood sugar levels. In that case, you may notice that your thyroid isn’t working properly and that you feel tired or suffer from weight gain or weight loss despite eating healthy foods and exercising regularly.

Symptoms of High Blood Sugar Levels

It can be not easy if you don’t know how to deal with high blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels can affect your eyes, kidneys and heart. They also increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Get proper diabetes treatment when these symptoms arise.

The normal range is between 70 and 130 mg/dl (milligrams per deciliter).

Many symptoms may indicate high blood sugar levels:

  • Headache
  • Sweating
  • Confusion
  • Blurred vision
  • Dizziness

Symptoms of Low Blood Sugar Levels

People with low blood sugar levels are often unaware they have it. The symptoms include:

  • Drowsiness or fatigue
  • Dry mouth
  • Irritability or mood swings
  • Headaches and confusion
  • Sore tongue and lips
  • Frequent urination

Get proper diabetes treatment as soon as you notice any of these symptoms.

Maintain A Healthy Blood Sugar Level

It is time to control what we eat and normalise our blood sugar levels. One of the best ways to maintain a healthy blood sugar level is to control your cholesterol and avoid certain medications. Eating a healthy and sugar free diet and exercising daily will also help you maintain an overall healthy lifestyle, which includes lowering your blood sugar level. Get proper diabetes treatment to maintain a healthy blood sugar level.

The goal of diabetes treatment is to manage your blood sugar levels by keeping them within a desirable range. This is so that you don’t suffer the complications that can result from high blood sugar. Thus, normal blood sugar levels become an important part of diabetes treatment.


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