8 Qualities to Look for in a White-Collar Crimes Attorney


It’s easy to feel helpless and hopeless when faced with criminal charges. One of the best decisions you can make is to hire a seasoned, successful white-collar crimes attorney. While pinpointing the best person to represent your case is not easy, you can make your search a little easier by knowing what traits your attorney unquestionably needs.

8 Qualities to Look for in a White-Collar Crimes Attorney

8 Qualities to Look for in a White-Collar Crimes Attorney

1. Experienced

White-collar cases are complex. They often require extensive evidence reviews and ongoing negotiations to help protect the accused from lifelong consequences. While a number of lawyers claim to have knowledge of white-collar crimes, many possess only tangential experience.

You need an attorney who has previously fought for defendants accused of offenses similar to yours. This experience will prove invaluable as your attorney digs into your case. Specifically, they will have the knowledge necessary to explain your charges, defense options, and the implications for moving in one direction or another.

2. Successful

Experience is important but not the only factor to consider when choosing a Houston white-collar crimes lawyer. It’s equally important to choose an attorney with a track record of success. This shows that, in addition to their knowledge of effective representation, they have the skills to find holes in the evidence and communicate with the prosecutorial team.

You can learn about your lawyer’s track record by asking for their history with cases similar to yours. You might even ask for references to learn how that attorney responds to and interacts with clients.

3. Tenacious

Legal cases, especially those involving white-collar crimes, have a lot of moving parts. It is for this reason that you need an attorney with a positive, aggressive attitude who will not stop fighting for your rights.

Every case may occasionally face setbacks. Thanks to a tenacious mindset, your attorney will recognize the difference between resting and quitting. Likewise, they will use a can-do attitude to understand when tactics must be switched or other options considered.

4. Professional

It seems obvious that all attorneys need a high degree of professionalism, but this point is too important to overlook. When your situation gets tough, as it very well might, you need a lawyer who plays by the rules and treats all parties involved with courtesy. Their behavior will have a direct reflection on you, meaning the court will likely view you more favorably if you choose an attorney with impeccable manners.

5. Communicative

When waiting to hear what your future holds, you need an attorney who will communicate promptly and clearly. Receiving a constant stream of information will help you and your family plan appropriately and keep anxiety at bay.

To take this one step further, your lawyer must also have a finger on the court’s pulse so they can anticipate your case outcome. This relates back to experience: a lawyer who’s been in the game for a while will have established relationships with judges, prosecutors, and court clerks. They can use these relationships to understand the direction in which your case is moving.

6. Committed

Regardless of whether your case can be counted as a win or a loss, you need an attorney committed to you. You can likely make this determination during your consultation. Does the attorney take time to address all of your questions, or do they seem distracted? Do they provide thoughtful answers, or do they appear rushed? The bottom line is that you need to feel comfortable with the person who will represent you before the court.

7. Caring

Criminal cases can be overwhelming experiences for defendants and their families. A time commitment is required so you can meet with your attorney and attend court hearings. In addition, the stress of not knowing what the future holds can take an emotional toll.

A caring attorney will know if you have reached your mental and emotional breaking point and will help locate additional help you may need. Your attorney may, for instance, recommend a licensed counselor or therapist who can provide tips for managing your stress. In this way, your attorney should view you as a person rather than just another case.

8. Honest

An attorney who offers false hope is not on your side. They either don’t understand the law or feel little empathy for their clients. On the other hand, a lawyer who speaks openly and honestly is much more advantageous than one who tries to paint a rosy picture. Such communication will help ensure you’re prepared for any development that might arise in your case.

Navigating the criminal courts can feel like wandering through a maze. Fortunately, you do not have to make this journey alone. An experienced, tenacious, and professional attorney can help fight for your rights and explain every step of the law. That same lawyer should also be committed to your case, caring, and honest. With these traits in hand, your attorney is sure to build the strongest defense possible for your case.


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