7 Ways to Protect Your Business Online


Online shopping has existed for a long time, but COVID-19 has shown us a new dynamic. Many countries closed the markets and malls. Businesses also crashed due to the lockdowns, and only a few survived. How? They switched to digital platforms offering their services online.

7 Ways to Protect Your Business Online

Many people were not accustomed to this shift. 83% of people prefer shopping in-store than online due to security concerns such as sharing their credit card details with online businesses. This is still a huge entry barrier and does not tip any scales in your favor as a business owner.

What’s the solution? Protecting your business online using a viable residential proxy or trying out different methods will really increase your credibility among your customers. We have collected the best ways to help you establish yourself as a trustworthy business in today’s competitive market.

1. Use a Viable Residential Proxy

According to UK government statistics, 4 in 10 businesses report a data breach in a year. We have been using proxies or VPNs for a long time now. Proxies help you hide your IP address to protect you from accessing unsafe web locations.

A business can enjoy many benefits by using a residential proxy. Some of them are:

  • Secured customers’ information
  • Hidden IP address
  • Dedicated server for speed

This makes the platform harder for hackers to crack. A legit proxy will also help you with data collection, a viable residential proxy is ideal for scaling businesses. They cover a wide range of areas for users who are accessing the website from around the world.

2. Protect Company Network with Strong Passwords

Besides using a viable residential proxy, you should also keep your passcodes unique. You should password-protect the company systems, so they are only accessible to trusted individuals. This also acts as a solid threshold for your data repository.

Strengthen Your Password using:

  • Unique terms
  • Upper and lower cases
  • Symbols
  • Special characters

These tips should be considered so nobody can guess or try to break apart the security key. You must also protect your data with encryption and two-factor authentication. Your customer’s trust is at stake so you have to ensure all the security measures. You can even hire a cyber security specialist to support your day-to-day business tasks.

3. Secure All Company Software

A business uses a couple of applications to integrate and collaborate on smart technology. Such software holds crucial company information to protect from viruses.

While you are using a viable residential proxy, you must also subscribe to an anti-malware software. This combination will keep your system safe from unauthorized sources. When buying an anti-virus software, look for the feature-rich product. It must support penetration testing, malware scanning, and virus protection.

4. Choose Strong Web Portal Hosting

Many times businesses build their website portals without putting much thought. They buy a spot because it’s cheap or free. But, you must look into the service provider or study the background of the hosting services since it is very crucial.

Web hosting services also offer security certificates like SSL–a hosting that keeps the website secure but costs extra. The website host should also be PCI compliant to ensure 100% hacker-free services. This will also add to your web security.

5. Save Everything in the Cloud

A business makes huge transactions every day. All your product, prospects, and customer data are usually available on web portals. If it’s not secure, it can be a haven for cybercriminals to breach in.

Not using a cloud or a smart computing network can pose many risks to your business model and customer base. Whether you have a new business or a large enterprise, you need a cloud to back all your data. Websites can be subjected to malfunction. You can also lose your data to poor functionality. Hence, a cloud and daily data backup will keep your data safe.

6. Encrypt Important Emails

Receiving emails and sending newsletters is a usual practice for a business. Your inbox can become a spot for phishing. You can lose all your data if you click any email that seems suspicious.

Around 60% of businesses have lost their data due to spam email phishing, according to Tessian’s survey. One way to avoid being subject to data violations and the breach is to encrypt your emails end-to-end.

Although, not every email can or should be encrypted since the operation works with private or public keys that you cannot share with everybody. You can, however, encrypt emails with security keys that have financial data exchanges and other important information. Share the key with the receiver so they can decrypt the email and read it.

7. Set Security Measure for WiFi Network

Everyone uses WiFi networks, but they aren’t necessarily secure. Check if your WiFi network is safe to avoid any possible security risks. If not, you can change your WiFi password.

Securing a WiFi network is particularly crucial if you have a “guest” network for customers and clients because you never know if their devices are contaminated with malware.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Set up unique passwords
  • Encrypt data
  • Download firewall
  • Restrict public access

When using public WiFi networks, you need to be cautious. Suppose you’re not in your working space and you need to check your email via public WiFi. In that case, you can take extra precautions by utilizing a VPN or a viable residential proxy.


The world may have dived into online shopping with a hesitant heart, but they are surely enjoying the perks. Most Americans prefer online shopping because it is convenient and is time-saving.

These anecdotes let you know that your customers need you online. And, they also need you to be trustworthy. As a business, it’s your responsibility to win your customer’s confidence in the service.

To recap, remember to use:

  1. A viable residential proxy
  2. A VPN
  3. Strong passwords
  4. Cloud computing for data processing
  5. Network and WiFi security

All of it will boost your progress. So, you must put the necessary measures to protect your business online before it’s too late.


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