10 Fascinating Facts That Will Make You Love Lobsters More


Summer’s finally here! A season filled with family outings, parties by the beach, and, yes, delicious seafood such as lobsters. Because it’s the season when this crustacean is plentiful, we’ve gathered some fascinating facts about them below that you might like to know before ordering up a flavourful lobster dish.

10 Fascinating Facts That Will Make You Love Lobsters More

1. They’re Great Energy Boosters

Lobsters contain high levels of protein. Because of that, those who include this crustacean in their regular diet can experience a boost in energy.

2. They Chew With Their Stomach

Lobsters don’t have teeth to chew their food. Instead, they use a grinding structure called a “gastric mill” located in their digestive tract. This structure has three surfaces that break down food as it moves from the mouth to their walnut-sized stomachs at the back of their eyes.

3. They’re Beneficial for the Brain

Studies suggest that lobsters make excellent brain food and lower the risk of depression, dementia, stroke, and Alzheimer’s disease.

4. They Can Regenerate

Lobsters can grow back a lost claw, antenna, or leg. But it takes them at least five years to restore a lost limb to the same size as before.

5. They Have Cannibalistic Tendencies

Lobsters eat fresh food like crabs, snails, mussels, clams, sea urchins, and small fish. But if they find that the only thing available is another lobster, they will feed on it, too.

6. They’re Great Diet Food

Lobsters make a great addition to a weight loss plan because they don’t contain as many calories as other food. Since they have high protein levels, they can boost your metabolism, too, making your tummy feel fuller.

Fortunately, if you’re planning to add lobsters to your diet, there are many ways to enjoy them so you won’t get sick of the same recipe. If you look for “how to cook lobster tails” online, you’ll find many surprising options for your meal.

7. They Taste And Smell With Their Legs

The feet and legs of lobsters have chemosensory hairs that help them identify food. In addition to that, they also have small antennae to track food from far away, giving them precise food-sensing capabilities.

8. They Can Decrease Inflammation

The good fat and protein found in a lobster help decrease inflammation in the body, particularly in the joints. This means this crustacean can provide relief for those dealing with arthritic conditions. They can also help with cardiovascular and circulatory health.

9. They Can Live for Over a Hundred Years

Store-bought lobsters or those served at a restaurant live to at least five to seven years old. But lobsters can live to a hundred years, weighing heavier and growing bigger. The oldest lobster ever recorded was named George, discovered in 2008, with an estimated age of 140 years. George was sent to the wild a year later.

10. They Were Once a Poor Man’s Food

Before lobsters became the exquisite and expensive food known today, people used to serve them only to enslaved people, apprentices, children, and prisoners during colonial times. This was because lobsters were cheap, abundant, and tasteless.

Lobsters Are Fascinating, Delicious Creatures

Lobsters are incredible creatures with many fascinating characteristics. While there’s more to know about them, we know so far that they’re healthy and scrumptious. So don’t miss an opportunity to order one this season.


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