Four Great Ways You Can Prepare Yourself for Post-Secondary Math


Almost everyone can agree that looking back on their time in high school, mathematics was a complex and challenging time. For those looking to have a future career that requires university or college math credits, this challenge can only get more daunting.

Four Great Ways You Can Prepare Yourself for Post-secondary Math

Postsecondary mathematics can be very tough. The courses require your complete focus and commitment if you want to achieve because they are in an increasingly tricky and intricately technical area. Because math has grammar, vocabulary, and structure, it is sometimes compared to learning a new language.

However, you shouldn’t be intimidated or discouraged from enrolling in postsecondary math classes. All you need to do is put in the hours after you get into a routine and realize what the courses require of you.

However, there are some preparations you may make if you’re a senior in high school (or a recent postsecondary student transferring to a math programme).

Here are four great potential strategies for getting yourself ready and prepared for math classes in preparation for university and college.

Take Advanced Functions

A great course to prepare for postsecondary math is taking MHF4U Grade 12 Advanced Functions online. The polynomial, logarithmic, rational, and trigonometric functions—all essential to university mathematics—are the subject of an investigation by students in MHF4U. Additionally, the course aids in the consolidation of your math knowledge before you venture into postsecondary.

Additionally, Advanced Functions is a required course for many math programmes, as if that weren’t incentive enough. If you want a flexible, self-paced setting to acquire and understand its difficult concepts, enrol in the course online.

Research Ahead of Time

To better grasp your existing capabilities and limitations concerning them, you need to be aware of what you’re up against.

When you get to college or university, research the courses you’ll probably take. Most likely, you will discover sample reading lists and curricula, which you can browse to get a head start on what you will need to learn and be able to prepare yourself better when it comes time to face them.

Reach out to Online Forums

Forums can be a great place to get information about the experience of being a student. Look for user-generated forums frequented by other students who have completed your degree.

These discussion boards can be found in Facebook groups, Reddit groups, Online programs, Discord servers dedicated to studying, and more, such as Q&A forums like Quora.

The chorus of voices that frequently complain about how difficult postsecondary math maybe can be deafening. But with a little simple, proactive planning, you can take on the difficulties with humour, coolness, and, some might say, mathematical aplomb.

Get Tutoring

Want to close the math gap between high school and college math? Find a qualified, skilled tutor. Sometimes it can be intimidating to accept aid, but in this case, the outcome is worthwhile. Many tutors for advanced, postsecondary math are also students (typically graduate students), so they have recent memories of the classes you’re about to study.


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