Debunking the Most Common SEO Myths That Exist Today


SEO as we know it first got started in the 1990s, with small businesses trying to earn more traffic on the emerging World Wide Web. Back then, things looked very different from how they looked today! In internet years, some of our early SEO strategies now seem ancient—but that doesn’t always stop us from clinging to them.

Debunking the Most Common SEO Myths That Exist Today

Whether you’re new to the marketing industry or you’ve been around for all of the crazy SEO tactics we’ve tried, it’s worth knowing some of the biggest SEO myths. Here are the top five to keep in mind.

1. SEO Is a “One And Done” Process

In a perfect world, you could spend time optimizing your website and investing in SEO content marketing, and then you’d be finished forever. Unfortunately, that’s how it works—and neglecting your SEO can allow your competitors to breeze past you on their way to the top of the search rankings.

2. PPC Ads Help Your Rankings

If you’re paying for PPC ads, you’re paying to ensure that your ad copy appears at the top of the organic search results. However, these ads don’t have any effect on the organic search results. Though PPC ads can be a great way to earn visibility fast—especially if you’re following the tips in this article—Google views its paid search and organic search as two separate things.

3. Only Fresh Content Ranks Well

Fresh content does rank better than other content for some searches, especially when the query includes time modifiers. However, refreshing and republishing old content can ensure that Google knows the content is still up-to-date, meaning that it can still rank alongside fresher search results. It’s also worth noting that Google doesn’t value freshness for topics that don’t change over time, like a tutorial on changing a tire.

4. Domain Authority Doesn’t Matter

In 2016, Google discontinued its PageRank scores. Since then, many marketers and small business owners have made one of the most harmful SEO mistakes possible: assuming high-quality links don’t matter. However, even casual testing will show that quality links with great domain authority do affect your rankings, whether or not Google offers a relevant public tool.

5. Big Brands Always Outrank Small Businesses

It’s true that big brands tend to rank well in the search results, but this is mostly because they have more marketing spend and great domain authority. However, small businesses can still compete by using innovative marketing and SEO strategies, especially because Google’s algorithms value quality and authority above all else. Things like taking advantage of your local presence and using long-tail keywords can help.

Don’t Fall Prey to These SEO Myths

We’ve come a long way since the wild west of SEO, but that doesn’t mean that outdated ideas and strategies don’t linger. If you’re hoping to boost your rankings, it’s important to be aware of these common SEO myths. Keep them in mind as you start your next campaign!

If you’re interested in more tips to help you navigate the ever-changing tech world, be sure to take a look at our other posts.


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