Things You Must Know About Microsoft Activision Blizzard Deal


Microsoft is planning to ramp up its video game section. It wants to purchase the Activision Blizzard team that makes one of the most popular games, Call of Duty. The deal includes various aspects however some governments are worried about it. BBC has published news about the Microsoft-Activision Blizzard deal and shared some crucial points.

Things You Must Know About Microsoft Activision Blizzard Deal

Microsoft is ready to pay $69bn to Activision

Microsoft is one of the richest companies around the globe. But this big deal has never been seen before. If this deal occurs then this might be the biggest takeover in the gaming history of one company by another.

Microsoft gets a lot of things along with the control of COD

This deal includes a lot of money. However, it can make Microsoft the owner of Call of Duty. Along with this, Microsoft will own Overwatch, World of Warcraft, Candy Crush, and many more. These are some of the top video games around the world. These games have millions of active players who spend billions on subscriptions and other in-game purchases.

Microsoft quotes that it needs to boost the Xbox

World-renowned Sony’s PlayStation has been outselling the Xbox console for years. Microsoft stated that purchasing Activision would provide it with a big title for Game Pass. It includes a Netflix-style subscription and more games for phone devices that can lead to better profits.

Sony is not happy with this purchase idea

Sony is worried that this Microsoft deal may stop certain big games from being on its PlayStation. The latest installment of the COD series and Modern Warfare 2 has made $1bn in its release and more than half copies were sold only for PlayStation in the UK.

Governments are worried that the deal may give Microsoft more power

The US government is talking to the Microsoft team to stop the deal. The government is worried that the Microsoft company wants to make it very expensive, making it impossible to play games on the consoles of other companies. Other government authorities in Britain and Canada have similar concerns as if Microsoft can’t convince them to back the plans then it will have to change or drop them.

Microsoft affirms that it doesn’t want to hurt anyone

Microsoft team quotes that this would be a stupid thing to suddenly stop selling top successful games to its millions of potential costumes. The team announced that the deal for COD games for Nintendo machines if the deal occurs and quotes it’s made the same offer to Sony.

Microsoft already said it will make other games exclusive

In 2020, the team of Microsoft paid $7.5bn to Bethesda, makers of Fallout and Skyrim. Microsoft said some of Bethesda’s future games will be Xbox exclusive. Due to this, some are worried that Microsoft may do the same with Activision.


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