Apple Watch Saves the Life of a Pregnant Woman During Emergency


A pregnant woman from Costa Mesa has claimed that her Apple smartwatch saved her life when she was having a medical emergency. A 37-week pregnant woman named Jess Kelly from Costa Mesa, California claimed that her watch saved her life. According to her statement, on Dec 17, 2022, she was not feeling well. Kelly started receiving a high heart rate alert on her Apple smartwatch device. The gadget informed Kelly that her heartbeat was more than 120 BPM while inactive for more than 10 minutes.

Apple Watch Saves the Life of a Pregnant Woman During Emergency

Kelly quoted that she received two more alerts from the watch after a half hour. When she received the third alert, she thought something seemed wrong and she should have looked into it. After receiving the third alert from the watch, she immediately rushed to the hospital. After diagnosing, Kelly found out that she was in labor and losing blood due to some complications in the pregnancy. But she visited the hospital in time and delivered a healthy baby girl. Kelly named her baby girl Shelby Maire. Kelly gives full credit to Apple Watch for saving her life.

There is another incident of an Apple watch saving a life where a woman credits this gadget for saving her life. Apple watch’s ECG application discovered a previously undiagnosed cardiovascular condition. According to the given report from Apple Insider, a woman named Elain Thompson suffered from seizures in 2018. Meanwhile, her daughter asked her to wear a smartwatch to monitor her health as a post-diagnosis treatment.

Apple added an electrocardiogram application to its Apple watch series 4 in the same year. This feature detects symptoms of atrial fibrillation and irregular heart rhythm. These symptoms can lead to blood clots in the heart. The ECG app of Apple’s watch detected Thompson’s irregular heart rhythm and alerted her. She consulted the cardiologist who fitted a heart monitor for a week. The monitor diagnosed Thompson with a heart blockage and then installed a pacemaker to manage the condition.
Thompson credits Apple Watch for detecting the condition and alerting her on time. She told The Independent that if the watch hadn’t alerted she wouldn’t have consulted the doctor.


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